Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Best Parts of My Week - 6/9/14--6/13/14

Hi everyone,
     A week of field trips, postponed field days, rain, rain, and more rain!  Summer is coming fast!

.....The beginning of the week brought the start of a bowling unit.  I am fortunate to be able to create six lanes and students love to hear the pins get knocked down!  One of my kindergarten students walked in and said:  "Hey, this looks like a bowling alley!"  I was glad because that's the look I was going for!

.....One of my primary students shared that she was excited not only to bowl in school, but also after school!

.....I was preparing for the day when the morning announcements began and then the school began to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  I stopped to say the pledge and was pleased when a student walking by the gymnasium on his way back to class stopped as well to recite the pledge with me!

.....One of my fourth grade classes has been using our PE Packs to Go program for the past week and a half.  Students sign out a pack with a pedometer, jump rope, and log card.  The idea is to increase physical activity time outside of school time.  This program is always popular and the students are excited when it is their turn to use the pack.  This class was particularly enthusiastic about using the packs and logged 186,139 steps as a class!  One of the students said that the program helped her to learn how to jump rope better!

.....I was astounded when one of my kindergarten students announced that he had bowled three strikes in a row and that was called a "Turkey"!  Amazing!

.....Another student announced:  "I got my first strike in my whole entire world!"  That made me smile!

.....One of our field days was postponed this week due to rain.  I was so proud of the students!  I knew that they were disappointed (so was I) but they were willing to be patient and trusted that it would happen another day!

.....Getting ready for Field Days is always a tremendous amount of work.  I finished the week ready for Field Days to begin!  Monday is the first one!  Field Days are sure to be a part of "The Best Parts of My Week" next week!

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!"  To find out more about the PE program at North Park, visit my website:  North Park Physical Education

See you next week!