Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Best Parts of My Week - 10/24/16--10/31/16

Hi everyone,
   The theme that kept appearing this week over and over was “never stop learning!”  I think it is a good theme to live by!  
  • My student teacher for the next eight weeks began on Monday morning.  I always love having student teachers because their enthusiasm is infectious, it reminds me of the beginning of my career many years ago, I learn something from them, and it is a chance to share my experiences with the next generation of teachers.  Maybe something that I teach will make a difference long after I am gone…….
  • We had a fantastic opportunity this week to have a representative from Speedstacks demonstrate some of their new lesson ideas with a few of my classes.  When the opportunity presented itself I hesitated because I knew I would not be able to provide this opportunity to all of my students.  Then I realized that if I learned some new activities I could share them with the rest of my classes.  I asked the classes that attended the demo lessons to help because they were going to help me to teach their friends the new activities.  My students were terrific and I learned so many new activities to add fitness to Speedstacks.  We actually took one of the ideas and tried it for the rest of the week.  Never stop learning!  
  • I have mentioned before that I am an active member of the Southeastern Zone of NYS AHPERD, and in fact, I am proud and honored to be the president of this zone.  This week we held a Care to Share event at Manhattanville College.  Not only did I have a chance to share some lessons and activities with the students, I had a chance to learn some new ideas from other presenters!  Our PE professional organizations offer amazing professional development opportunities and I have been fortunate to be able to take advantage of these learning situations for many years.  Even though I am in my 34the school year I am still learning new things.  Again, my message to the students was “never stop learning!”
  • We began our Cooperative unit this week and the first activity that I like to do is a Cooperative Puzzle Project.  I created puzzles with the following messages:  Cooperate, Show Respect, Courage, Play Fair, Play Safe, and Play Hard.  Students work in six small groups and during the activity they work together to find the puzzle pieces for their particular puzzle.  Then students talk about what their puzzle means and they share their ideas with the class.  I was so impressed with the students’ responses.  Their discussions were thoughtful and their answers were right on the mark.  In talking about cooperation we came around to the word compromise.  When I asked students what that meant a fourth grader said that when you compromise each person gets some of what they want!


  • I have been teaching this cooperative unit for many, many years and I love it because students come up with new ways to solve problems every year.  This week I was doing a cooperative Bean Bag game and a first grade student came up with a way to include everyone and help.  It was an idea using the colors of the beanbags that I had never thought of!  The cooperative unit always reminds me to “never stop learning!”

  • I love technology but I realize that not everyone feels the same way.  I enjoy helping others so when someone asks me to help out with a technology-related issue I am ready to go!  This week one of our teachers had a new smartboard installed and I was asked to surprise the students by teaching their teacher how to do Go Noodle.  My student teacher and I showed up on Tuesday morning and when the teacher asked the students why I might be there they guessed Go Noodle!  I had great fun showing the teacher how to use it on her smartboard.  While we were participating in an activity our principal walked in and participated right along with us!  Now that’s support!  I’ll say it again….never stop learning!
  • On my way back from lunch one day this week a fourth grade class was returning to class from the cafeteria.  A student stopped to tell me that she had a healthy lunch of yogurt, a granola bar, and pineapple!  I had fun telling her that I had yogurt also and that pineapple is my favorite fruit!
  • Despite many reminders to wear sneakers for PE class, some students still do not have sneakers for PE class due to a variety of factors.  I have a sneaker box for students to use occasionally if necessary but I would rather they have their own sneakers.  One student who fits the category of needing reminders to wear sneakers arrived with a smile and a pair of sneakers and said:  “Today is your lucky day!” and pointed to her sneakers!  Nothing to do but smile!  
  • A colleague of mine and I were honored to be recognized by our Board of Education this week because of the work done to be awarded the Let’s Move Active Schools National Recognition Award.  I had a few minutes to talk about how we were able to be eligible for the award.  I talked about the North Park team that I am proud to be a part of.  Students, staff, and administrators work so hard to continue the conversation about the importance of healthy choices.  I am so fortunate to have the support of so many…….When my principal spoke she told a story about a student who was leaving for the afternoon during an early release day.  She encouraged this student to have a great afternoon and the student replied that he was looking forward to time to play video games but he asked her not to tell Mrs. Robelee!  I guess he knew that I would be saying he should go outside and play…..since that message was in his head I bet he did!

  • Basketball Betty and Physical Eddie came to PE this week and had so much fun!  My student teacher jumped right on the bandwagon and helped me with some of the photo ops! A third grade class brought Basketball Betty to PE and one student called her Fitness Frankie.  When I corrected him he said:  “You have so many bears I can’t keep track!”  We have a photo album of their adventures this year.  Click here to see them!

  • I was working on a bulletin board in the hallway when a student asked me to be sure and say hello to our new student teacher.  He is already a rock star on day 5!  
  • I love to play different music during activities and this week I was using a CD that had country line dance music as some of the selections.  I noticed that one of the students was actually doing the dance while he was waiting for his turn!
  • Students were so excited about our Healthy Highway assembly on Friday.  One of them asked about the time and said:  “I can’t wait!”.   Our new road is Integrity Interstate and the plan was to teach students the meaning of integrity in relation to Character, Physical Fitness and PE, and Nutrition.  We have some new members of our Healthy Highway committee and they are enthusiastic and creative!  As a result, our assemblies are fresh and exciting!  We had a great time teaching the meaning of integrity to our students!  

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week"!  Visit my website:  North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.  

Follow me on Twitter!  @mrobPE


Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Best Parts of My Week - 10/17/16--10/21/16

Hi everyone,
   We had some truly special (and interesting) events this week, which made the “Best Parts” even more special!

…..This week NYS AHPERD sponsored the first ever PE Gets NY Moving Week! The idea was to showcase quality PE programs across NYS so that we can advocate for our profession and share what we do on a daily basis.  I had been planning for this week for quite some time and I was excited about the possibilities that this week could bring. The week did not disappoint!  I wanted the students to be excited about the week so to generate some interest I made daily announcements about the week.  The announcements included fun facts and reasons why PE is so important and I asked students to respond by letting me know about their favorite way to move in PE.  I created an online survey as well as paper strips on a bulletin board in the hallway.  I was overwhelmed with the popularity of these responses!  Each day I would read a few of the responses during the announcements but each day I received more and more answers!  One day I noticed two students counting out the paper strips and asked if they needed help.  They said that they were counting them out because everyone in their class was going to put in an answer!  More about PE Gets NY Moving Week a bit later in this blog……..

…..I learned a new game called Cone Ball at a Care to Share event I went to recently.  It was a natural extension to our Lacrosse unit which just finished so I thought it would be fun to teach the game to my students and enjoy the outdoors for a few more precious days.  When I was explaining the game one of my fourth grade students commented that it was just like Team Handball!  He was correct!  I was surprised because I certainly did not know what Team Handball was when I was in fourth grade!  

…..I learned about Tabata warm-ups last year and I absolutely love them!  Tabatas are great because students in kindergarten can do them just as well as students in fifth grade and it is a high-energy way to start PE class.  I have a Tabata timer on my iPad as well as some Tabata music and this week I created a beanbag Tabata warm-up to go along with our PE Gets NY Moving Week.  One of the four exercises as part of the Tabata was a curl-up that could be done alone or with a partner.  Students were asked to do a curl-up with the beanbag and then either touch toes or use one beanbag with a partner and give the beanbag away.  One group was so creative that they decided to use two beanbags and switch on the curl-up!

…..If you have read this blog before you probably know about Fitness Frankie and his friends.  The original Fitness Frankie travels with me but second graders take a “stunt double” (Fitness Frankie stuffed bear but not the original) home for a weekend to have a healthy adventure and add to his journal.  We have three classes so we have three “stunt doubles”.  I had a great conversation with a student who brought FF back after his weekend.  He had a great time while having a health adventure!

…..Our other fitness bears stay at school and spend time in classrooms and travel to specials and other places at school.  This week Basketball Betty and Physical Eddie were ready to begin their classroom adventures.  I was tickled at the reaction I got when I delivered Basketball Betty to a third grade class and Physical Eddie to a K-1 class!  Stay tuned for some pictures of their adventures later this year!

…..Early in the week my second graders were using the 4 Square skills I taught them to play outside on the recess courts.  They were having a great time and one second grader had a great play in motion.  He was so happy he said it was ”Totally Super Agent Style!”

…..My hope is that all students will be good sports during all activities.  I teach students what it means to be a team player, how to play fair, how to problem solve and so on.  All I really need is one of my second graders to be an example!  This student is the absolute best sport and champion of all students that I have ever seen!  It is a pleasure to see her kind heart in action………

…..The Walkway Over the Hudson is basically in our backyard and one of our NYS Learning Standards for PE is Resource Management so the combination is perfect!  We have had the tremendous opportunity to take fifth grade students on a field trip to the Walkway for several years.  It was scheduled for Tuesday this week, and this was fantastic because it was PE Gets NY Moving Week!  It is always an awesome trip and this year was no different.  Students wear pedometers and log steps.  All fifth grade students attend with their classroom teachers.  Students pair up and share a pedometer.  One student wears it on the way over and the other wears it on the way back.  They had a great time seeing how many steps they could accumulate!  Classroom teachers taught them about the history of the Walkway and our community on the Hudson River, and students enjoyed chatting and traveling with friends.  I love this trip for so many reasons.  It is great exercise, we collaborate with classroom teachers, students use a community resource, we enjoy the beautiful fall colors and weather, I get to talk with students as we walk, and this year we even saw an eagle!

…..As I was walking down the hall as students were arriving one day a student stopped to tell me how excited he was to be playing soccer with his team during halftime at a local college game!  I would be excited too!

…..I was asking students to tell me about how they use offense and defense during a game of Cone ball.  They were right on the mark!  After the discussion I thought that we don’t always get to know if students really and truly understand certain concepts and strategies but this was one of those moments that made me feel good that they were really learning what I was teaching!

…..The most unusual thing happened this week that might not necessarily qualify for the “best part” but it certainly was the most interesting part of my week!  During a sport practice in the gymnasium after school one afternoon an outside door was opened to let in some fresh air.  Before we knew it two birds flew in the gym!  I was in my office and heard all of the commotion and soon realized what happened!  The team players tried to get them out and when things calmed down I thought they had been successful.  However, the next morning, I realized how wrong I was.  Not only were the birds still in the gym in the morning, they stayed there all day!  We could not imagine why they did not want to go outside!  Eventually, and fortunately, they left.  I guess it qualifies for this blog because all of the great discussion and excitement that was created!  

…..Primary students have been exploring levels and this week we set up a series of stations using lots of colorful equipment so that students could continue the exploration.  When the students came to the door their faces said it all!  I love the WOW factor when students arrive to PE!

…..At one of the levels stations students took turns throwing a ball at the basketball backboard at a high level.  When one of the balls got stuck in the bars that support the backboard one of the students said:  “Let’s make a game of it”  That’s exactly what they did!  They made a game of trying to get it down!

…..Earlier I mentioned that we have three Fitness Frankie packs for second graders to take home for a healthy adventure.  Sadly, one of them went missing last week.  When he was returned to school I was absent and when I returned no one seemed to know where he was.  Needless to say we looked everywhere!  I was upset because the pack contained two years of student journal entries that could not be replaced.  One of the teachers suggested I create a “Missing” poster and put it up around the school and another suggested I make an announcement to students and ask for everyone’s help.  I did both of those things and the very next day he was found!  We were all so happy!  When I announced it from the main office we could hear the cheers from the classrooms!

…..Students are natural helpers and I want to make an effort to remember that more often.  Sometimes it’s easier to do it myself but I saw so many times this week that students are so happy to help!

…..All this week I worked diligently to finish our class contracts.  It is a tremendous amount of work to cut out the hands, glue them on, write the student-generated rules, laminate them, and hang them up.  On Friday afternoon at about 5:00 I finally finished them.  It was worth it!  What do you think?

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week"!  Visit my website:  North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.  

Follow me on Twitter!  @mrobPE

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Best Parts of My Week - 10/3/16--10/7/16

Hi everyone,
    We have been having beautiful fall weather and it has been a treat to be outside so much!  It was a great week and I am always happy to share the “best parts!”
   …..I was on my way back to the gym after setting up for my outdoor lacrosse classes on Monday morning and I walked past a student who was on her way back from breakfast.  She asked:  “Are we doing lacrosse today?” I responded that yes we were going to be doing lacrosse activities outside and she immediately replied: “YESSS!!!”  A smile was on her face and it also put one on mine!

…..We have a wonderful substitute teacher who regularly substitutes in our school. All of the students know her well and she always works hard to keep programs and projects going, even in a teacher’s absence.  Last week she substituted for a fifth grade teacher and was also on duty for a few days this week.  She brought the class to the gymnasium door on Monday morning and was pleased to tell me that she had helped the class to participate in Fitness Friday by having them do the “Chicken Fat” song and set of exercises!   

…..This week’s lacrosse activities included using the skills of cradling, scooping, throwing, offense, and defense in a variety of station areas that were set up with different targets, goals, and one-on-one games.  Students were excited to get going and as I was walking around the playing area one student remarked:  ”I’m going to ask my mom to sign me up for lacrosse!”  Another student said:  “Can I sign up to play now?  My friend plays for a town team so I can ask her.”  This is the first year that we have had enough equipment to create a lacrosse unit and I am so happy that students are enjoying the sport so much that they want to play outside of school.  If I can teach students the basics and get some of them excited to learn more I have met my goal!  

…..The lacrosse stations require quite a bit of equipment and as I have learned to work smarter, not harder, I have become more efficient at bringing equipment in and out of doors.  That being said, it is still quite a task and I don’t always leave myself a free hand to open the doors!  I was bringing equipment in with my hands full and a student walking down the hall noticed.  I was pleased at her helpfulness as she waited and opened the door for me.  This student happens to be one of our student ambassadors too!

…...A few weeks ago our maintenance department honored our request and painted some new four square courts on two different blacktop areas of our playground.  This week I was having lunch in my office and I noticed a group of students playing and enjoying the courts!  I have been teaching my second grade classes how to play and they have been coming back to tell me they are playing and enjoying the new courts during recess too!  It is such a simple thing to have had the courts painted and it has been so gratifying to see and hear that the students are appreciative and using them to have fun!

…..Students in the fifth grade were coming back inside after PE class and putting away their pedometers.  One student showed me her step count because she was proud to have exceeded the class goal of 1,000 steps.  Her pedometer read exactly 2016 steps!  She did not initially make the connection to the year 2016 and when I pointed out how cool that was she was surprised and then realized how cool it was too!  

…..Student birthdays are announced each day and I do my best to say Happy Birthday to students that I see on that day.  One of my students had a birthday this week and when I asked him the next day how he enjoyed his birthday he showed me the Fitbit he received for his birthday!  What a great gift that helps students become more active!  This week he has been showing me his step counts and we have had fun comparing our steps!

…..I met briefly with our Fuel Up to Play Student Ambassadors to remind them that next week we will be meeting for the first time.  They are so excited for the first meeting!  We have some new students in the group and I was pleased to see that some of our seasoned members were  automatically introducing new members to the group!  

…..Thursday was picture day and there is nothing quite like seeing students dressed up in their finest and ready to show their picture day smiles!

…..I have often said that my focus in this blog is on the positive things that occur everyday, even through challenging times.  This week I had the opportunity to help out when our when principal was out of the building by reassuring students and solving some problems……..

…..Fitness Frankie to Go is ready for his 2016-2017 healthy adventures!  On Friday I had the pleasure of delivering him to the second grade students whose turn it was to take him home for the weekend.  I asked students to give me some examples of healthy adventures that he might have at home with students and the answers were right on the mark!   Student answers included going outside and do activity, brushing your teeth, eating apples and bananas, and going for a run.  The students were every excited and I am truly grateful to have such excellent classroom teacher cooperation and support.  One teacher even has a special chair for him!

…..On Friday a fourth grade class was taking their turn to participate in our lacrosse stations.  I told the students to make sure that the "coast was clear" before they aimed and threw the ball at a target.  Some of the targets had nets and others did not.  One particular target was a hole that students were trying to throw the ball through.  A group of students was working together and one of the students accidentally threw the ball too soon.  A student retrieving her ball on the other side said in the nicest voice:   “Excuse me….I have a beautiful face and I don’t want to ruin it!”

…..When students leave PE class they show me how many steps they logged on their pedometer by tapping on the correct range of step counts. A pocket folder hangs by the exit door and students are asked to "tap and go".  The top number is 1001 or more steps.  One student tapped twice and said:  “I double tapped because I had over 2,000 steps!”  Creative…..and correct!

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week"!  Visit my website:  North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.  

Follow me on Twitter!  @mrobPE

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Best Parts of My Week - 9/26/16--9/30/16

Hi everyone,
   The first month has flown by!  I have learned all of the names of my new students and finally feel like we are settled in our routine.  Even though we are in a routine, the “best parts” still surprise me!  

…..Students in grades 3-5 create class contracts by tracing and decorating their hands.  I use the hands as a border and then student generated rules are written in the middle.  These contracts are hung on the gym wall to remind students of their responsibilities during PE class.  It is a lot of work to cut out all of the hands but it is worth it when the contracts are done.  This week I was cutting out the hands and I was taken with several hands created by fifth grade students.  Not only were they beautiful and creative but they also contained great messages.  One even says “I Love PE!”  (Artistic credit to Kiera, Jazmine, and Erica)

…...I started a new lacrosse unit this week.  We are fortunate to have some new equipment and this is the first year I have taught lacrosse to my students.  It is a growing sport in our area and only a few students play.   It was great to see the student’s faces when they arrived to PE and realized that we were starting this unit.  Those who play  were so willing to be good role models and help those who have not played enjoy a new opportunity!

…..When I start a new unit I ask students to “turn and talk” about what they know and what they want to know about the new activity.  These conversations were especially important this week because I have not taught this unit before.  As students were talking I was impressed with the details of the conversations.  Students were on task and had great thoughtful comments to share.  Some students said that they did not know anything about lacrosse and wanted to know everything!

…..My goal chart includes an essential question, which I also call a “thinking in your brain” question.  I want students to think about the question each day as they learn different aspects of a unit or theme and then along the way we discuss their thoughts.  The essential question for lacrosse is “How can I compare Lacrosse to other sports?”  After a day or two of lessons I asked for some answers.  The student’s answers were terrific!  They compared lacrosse to tennis and said that the size of ball was similar and both sports have handles on the implements.  Another student compared lacrosse to basketball and this answer surprised me!  The student said that the sports were alike because of the way offense and defense were played.  Still another compared lacrosse to soccer and said that both sports include throwing the ball but each sport has different ways that the ball is thrown.  They are thinkers for sure!  

….Pete Charrette (@CapnPetesPE on Twitter) shares his wonderful resources and I often use his Super Heroes of PE cards to help students understand various fitness concepts.  Lucky for me my second grade teachers are using “Superheroes” as a theme this year!  This week I was introducing Captain Cardio and I quickly learned that the students were learning about circulation and cardiovascular endurance in Health class!  The connections are everywhere and students are happy to share those connections and are proud to tell me what they are learning in other areas.  Agent Agility was on hand to help me teach the concept of agility during a lacrosse lesson with older students and the connections they made were clear as they played a one-on-one game with a partner.  I encouraged them to “be Agent Agility!” Thanks Captain Pete!

….We had our first Healthy Highway assembly this year and it was a great one to start the year off!  Students were so well behaved and this assembly was a team effort as colleagues took part in it by sharing their expertise as we spoke to the students about Courage Crossroads.  Our school theme is all about having the courage to do the right thing and we always start the year off with this “road”.  I was proud to announce that our school was awarded the Let’s Move Active School National Recognition Award
and as I read the letter from Michelle Obama you could have heard a pin drop as approximately 500 students and staff listened in our cafetorium.  This first assembly sets the tone for the year to come but also acknowledges healthy choices during the summer.  Each year during the first assembly I have the pleasure of reading a book that I write each summer which details the healthy adventures that Fitness Frankie and I have during the summer vacation.  This year we included Muscle Missy as she had a healthy adventure with a colleague who traveled to California this summer.  Our fitness bears kept in touch by writing postcards and sharing pictures and then I wrote the book detailing the adventures in Fitness Frankie’s voice.  Not only is it fun to share the pictures and healthy choices, it is also fun to share with students how I make healthy choices in my own life.  Each year I also introduce our visiting bear.  This bear typically stays with us for only one year and it is a way to keep the students interested and to keep the program fresh.  Our visiting bear this year is Basketball Betty!  Students were happy to meet her!  Their task is to teach her how to make healthy choices and to earn miles that will help her travel!  Her first trip will take her to the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts.  At the end of every assembly we do the Healthy Highway dance.  This is a dance that uses car themed motions and it is an amazing to see students and staff dancing together!  It was definitely one of the “best parts of my week!

…..Back in PE class primary students are learning about how to move over and under objects as they create small obstacle courses.  I was surprised at the level of creativity of my second grade students!  One pair of students used the equipment in such a cooperative way that I invited them to share their idea with the class!  

…..Students in grades 3-5 are using pedometers during their regular PE activities.  Our class goal is 1,000 steps but during this week students were so excited because their step counts exceeded 2,000 during our lacrosse activities!  They could not wait to share their step counts with me!  

…..At the end of the week I received an email regarding my proposal for the SHAPE America National Convention in Boston.  It was accepted!  I am so excited and honored to be presenting!

…...As a second grader was leaving PE she said: “Everyday I go home and ride my bike when I get off of the bus!  I love that they want to tell me about their healthy choices!  These little moments are huge!  It reminds me that students are listening and taking their responsibility to make healthy choices seriously!

…..After school on Friday I was going through the Fitness Calendars that were returned.  I was surprised to see that a student who has an injury turned in a fitness calendar.  He did exercises that would not impact his injury and his mom wrote me a note to say that he did the best he could given the injury.  I had the chance to speak with this student on my way out and was pleased to see the smile on his face!  The fact that he continues to make healthy choices despite a challenge speaks volumes…….

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week"!  Visit my website:  North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.  

Follow me on Twitter!  @mrobPE