Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Best Parts of My Week - 2/20/17--2/24-17

Hi everyone,
    How can it be the end of February already!  This week in the northeast was so warm that by Friday students were arriving to school in shorts and tank tops!  Personally I hope that Winter is not over yet so I can take my students out snowshoeing!  

…...I was walking down the hall at the beginning of the day when a student stopped and asked “Is today Wellness Wednesday?”  When I replied yes he said:  “Yay!  I can eat this!”  He was referring to a fruit cup on his breakfast tray!

…..We had the Science Fair this week and as a result I was not able to use the gym during part of the day.  It is always an exciting day and I love to see the projects that students create.  Despite the excitement, it is a day that requires an enormous amount of flexibility on my part as well as on the part of my students since half of the gym is used to display projects.  I was in a 5th grade classroom and we were waiting for the gym to be available for the latter part of the period.  While in the classroom, I planned to introduce them to snowshoeing with a video clip and then work on a coloring page that I made, which detailed how they should dress for outdoor activity.  I was surprised to hear “YAY!” when I told them about the coloring page.  I did not realize how much 5th graders like to color!

…..At the beginning of the week our PE Password was still Achievement and I was asking a fifth grade class to tell me about some of their most recent achievements.  One student said:  “I got up early enough to make myself breakfast!”  I thought that was a terrific achievement and so did she!

…..One of my fifth grade classes is taking care of Basketball Betty and we decided to put her in some of our snowshoes while the students were practicing how to put them on.  When they saw her in the snowshoes they all said:  “ cute!”  What do you think?

…..I spent a good part of my afternoons this week creating Buddy Heart and Buddy Bear posters from the hearts and bears that students created during Jump Rope for Heart.  I was proud to put them on our “Why PE?” bulletin board in the hallway and I was pleased to see that students noticed and took time to enjoy them!

…..My second grade students were working on a portfolio piece this week and there are always a few students who finish very quickly and without as much effort as I would like.  I have started telling students to add details if they think they are finished.  I was very pleased with their work on this piece in particular because of the great details they added!  The portfolio work was about jumping and many students added basketball hoops, outdoor activity spaces, and different colors and designs!

…..Yet another JRFH message was left in my office this week.  I was out and about doing some work and came back to find a Jump Rope for Heart message on my desk.  It was only later in the day that I found out  who left it and was able to thank her!

…..I have had so much fun this week raffling off small gifts from the American Heart Association as a result of our Jump Rope for Heart event.  Each day I have been calling names of students who are so excited to win a small trinket of thanks!  While I was eating lunch one day this week I was watching a student jump rope on the playground.  It just so happened that she was one of the students who won the jump rope from a raffle earlier in the day!

…..If you have read this blog before you probably know that I love to try new things.  I love Math and try to incorporate it into my warm-ups and activities whenever possible.  This week I added a “Number bond” warm-up.   Now if you don’t know what a number bond is don’t worry!  I did not know either until a first grade teacher helped me out by explaining that it is a way to teach students to add.  Basically there are three circles set up in a triangle.  One number is in each of two circles and the third circle is empty.  The two numbers “bond” together in the third circle and become the total.  I decided I could use hoops and craft sticks and have students “Bond” the numbers.  Students then used the numbers to exercise.  It was so much fun to try something new and it actually worked very well!  It was also interesting to see the looks on the students faces when they walked in to see this activity ready to go.  Some students were excited, others intrigued, and some were even a bit dismayed!  One student walked in and said in a VERY disappointed way:   “Number Bonds! Oh…..”  I promised her that she would have fun doing Math this way and she did!   When I was in college I learned that Physical Education is:  "Of the Physical, By the Physical and Through the Physical"……...I taught students this week that they can learn Math in PE because they are learning “Through the Physical”!

…..Last week I used an app called “Swork-it for kids” as a warm-up.  I told students that this is a free app and, with permission from their families, they might be able to download it and use it at home.  One student came back this week and told me that she did!  She said that so far she did 12 minutes one day and 5 minutes the next!

…..Later in the week we put Fitness Frankie in snowshoes that just about fit him!  The response from my class?  “Awwwwww……….” We do love our bears!

…..As a Kindergarten student walked into PE class this week he said:  “You make the funnest games!”

…...I was helping a kindergarten student tie his shoes and my remote control for the music was in my hand so I put it on the floor.  Usually I keep it in my pocket and use it from there.   As I was tying his shoe he noticed the remote and exclaimed:  “Oh…...that’s how you start the music!  I thought your pocket was magic!”

…..I still love to hear students as they walk by the gym when they arrive to school in the morning.  I usually have the doors open and the equipment set up for the day.  This week the rock wall was down for the upper grade students and the number bonds activity was ready to go.  I overheard many students walk by and say:  “Look at the gym!”

…..At the end of the week a staff member stopped to tell me a story about how she overheard a kindergarten conversation when a class was outside running around and playing on the playground.  Some of the students stopped to feel their heartbeat and told each other that their heart was beating fast but that was ok because when you exercise your heart beats faster and then it gets stronger!  Knowing that students as young as kindergarten age are getting the message made my day!

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!" Visit my website: North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.

Monday, February 20, 2017

The Best Parts of My Week - 2/13/17--2/17/17

Hi everyone,
    Well, after a two-hour delay (again) on Monday we finally got back on track!  I had so much fun this week despite the germs that finally took hold (more on that later…..)!

…..We were finally able to reschedule our second day of Jump Rope for Heart this week and it happened to be on Valentine’s Day!  I told our students that it was a perfect day to be able to finish our event and they agreed!  We jumped and raised a  terrific amount of money for the American Heart Association!  In fact,  I was able to complete 59 jumps in a row while a fifth grade teacher turned a long rope for me.   I got lots of high fives from 5th graders who were waiting their turn to try.  The record was over 80!  
Jump Rope For Heart "Buddy Hearts"
…..On Valentine’s Day I noticed quite a few treats appearing in the office for celebrations that were happening later in the day.  Don’t get me wrong, I love a treat just as much as the next person and sometimes students and parents think that I am the Healthy Highway police!  I was particularly impressed, however, when one of my second grade classes told me that while they were having a celebration on Valentine’s Day it was going to include healthy treats too!

…..When one of our Jump Rope for Heart days got postponed one of our staff members did not get the message and dressed up ready for the event.  She was so disappointed but assured me that she would be ready for the next date.  She sure was!  She had a heart drawn on her cheek, sneakers, basketball shorts, a red shirt, heart necklace and jumped up a storm!  This type of support and excitement is one of the many, many reasons that my school is so special!

…..We had a Fuel Up to Play 60 Student Ambassador Meeting this week and our students are getting ready for our next activity, which will be a Veggie Taste Test Day.  We had a great discussion about the kinds of vegetables we should us this year.  We are going to shred some vegetables and make a salad sample…..yummy!  The time flies by with this group because they are just so wonderful!  

…..Our PE Password this week is “Achievement”.  I used the opportunity during Jump Rope for Heart to point out how our event is such an achievement for our school.  I asked students to turn and talk with a friend for a few seconds about an achievement in their lives.  The conversations were lively and then a few students shared their conversations with the group.  Students talked about achievements in jumping rope, swimming, basketball, and more!  I was so happy that they were willing to share!

…..During our Jump Rope for Heart event a student kept working on a trick and even though I suggested that he take a break and try something else, he wanted to stick with it.  He was so excited when he was finally able to do the “360”!  That’s perseverance!

…..Early in the week one of my second grade students was talking with a raspy voice and did not look like he was feeling well.  When I asked him about it he said:  “I feel like I have germs in my throat.”  I said:  “Me too!”  The next day I had the same raspy voice and by the following day I could not talk at all.  Students would start talking to me and then say:  “wait, what happened to your voice?”  I am seldom sick (fortunately) so they were surprised that the germs get to me sometimes too!

…..Fast forward to Friday after a sick day on Thursday and while it was only a half day due to a conference day it was jam-packed!  The day started with a Fitness Friday activity for the 100th Day of School with a special guest.  I had been telling my colleagues all week that we would be having a special guest and only a few people actually knew who it was going to be.  I did not tell the students about it at all because I wanted it to be a complete surprise.  Some were intrigued and others guessed about who it might be.  Our special guest was…….wait for it……….
RORY the American Heart Association Zoo Crew Lion!  (Well, ok, it was a friend of mine dressed up in a Rory suit, but Shhhhhhh…….)  Rory showed up to thank everyone for working so hard for Jump Rope for Heart and stayed to exercise with us!  Rory and I had SO MUCH FUN!  The students and staff (and even a few parents who were there to help with the 100th Day) were beside themselves with laughter and excitement!  Students showed Rory their best ROAR which helps spread the message of the importance of making healthy choices and he was impressed!  Next, we did 10 different exercises 10 times each so that we completed 100 repetitions!  Students kept track of the number until we got to 100!  After a big thank you to Rory and everyone at North Park, I sent them on their way back to class.  

…..Next, it was time to snowshoe!  I had to change quickly, meet my class and get ready to enjoy the winter weather!  It was truly a beautiful day and we really enjoyed the experience.  Students remarked:  “This is a good workout!”; “I’m hot!”; “I’m thirsty! ; “These (snowshoes) would be good for ice fishing!”  Fitness Frankie came along too!  We are fortunate to have quite a bit of land around our school so we were able to take a nice walk.  I continue to feel grateful for the opportunities we have………

…..Students went home early and teachers had a conference day on Friday afternoon.  I spent the afternoon with a colleague and we shared ideas and learned new things together.  This type of professional development can not be underestimated.  I love to learn new things!  

…..The “cat is out of the bag” so to speak……. Several students came up to me this week and asked me if I am retiring this year.  I was hoping to wait awhile longer before I shared the news with my students but somehow the news got out.  Students said things like:  “I can’t believe you’re leaving……” and “I don’t want you to leave……”  It’s nice that they feel this way…...I wanted to cry……..

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!" Visit my website: North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Best Parts of My Week - 2/6/17--2/10/17

  Hi everyone,
      While it was a great week for many reasons my week also included two days of two hour delays, a snow day, Jump Rope for Heart - Day 1, and attempts at getting Jump Rope for Heart - Day 2 rescheduled!  It is winter in the northeast after all!  As I sit here writing this blog it is indeed snowing outside my window yet again…….which may mean a delay or snow day tomorrow, which may mean more rescheduling!  The good news is that there is always another day!

…...I have been using Mike Ginicola’s (@PhysEdDepot) Growth Mindset poster which helps students realize that they can not get to “Yes - I did it!” if they are stuck at “I can’t do it”.  I have been asking students to challenge themselves with jumping and jump rope tricks as we get ready for Jump Rope for Heart.  At the beginning of this week one of my third grade students told me about how she worked hard to accomplish a goal in swimming.  She said that the fly stroke in swimming is not her best stroke and she does not like it very much as a result.  However, she wanted to do better so that she could help her relay team.  She told me that she just kept “telling myself in my head that I can do it” and that she kept practicing and kept trying and then she did it!  I was so proud of her!  It is really a great example of a positive growth mindset and of how learning in PE class can transfer to positive results outside of school.  Later in the week my principal was observing me and she liked the Growth Mindset poster so much that she wants to use it for an assembly later in the school year! Special thanks to Mike Ginicola for sharing this great poster!


…...So our Jump Rope for Heart event spans two days so that we can have all of our students participate during the school day.  Day 1 was Wednesday and as donations were coming in I was getting honor hearts ready to display on the gymnasium walls.  These are hearts that families send in and are filled out with the name of someone that a student is honoring as they jump.  I was reading them and was so touched by the triumphs, sadness, honor, memories, and love that encompassed the hearts.  Some students honored those they miss and others honored those that are still with us because of the work that the American Heart Association does.  This is truly the reason for our hard work and passion for the event.

…..We had so much fun during our first day of Jump Rope for Heart!  The enthusiasm and energy from students and staff was fantastic!  Students wore red, some had hearts on their hands or faces, others wore shirts with hearts on them!  Of course, Physical Eddie and Fitness Frankie were on hand for the event too! One student brought his own bear named James to be a part of the event. James was ready to go with basketball shorts!  I introduced him to Fitness Frankie and they became fast friends!  

…..At the end of the first day for Jump Rope for Heart two second grade students brought me a huge thank you note from their class.  As I read it I got goosebumps!  After I thanked these two students I immediately hung it up and then went down to thank the rest of the class.  I told them “my heart is smiling so wide I don’t think it will fit inside my chest!”  They smiled back!
…..This same second grade class was working on some crafts when I entered the room.  They had earned a craft day and they were making the Jump Rope for Heart Zoo Crew!  They were fantastic and a great extension of our Jump Rope for Heart!  

…...A first grade class was leaving Jump Rope for Heart and as they were walking out one of the students started roaring.  I have been telling students that since a lion’s roar can be heard five miles away they can help spread the message to make healthy choices like Rory the Zoo Crew Lion if they roar too.  When I looked at the student he smiled and said:  “I’m spreading the message!”

…..The second day of Jump Rope for Heart needed to be rescheduled because of the snow days and delays and I am so proud of the patience and flexibility of my students.  It has been rescheduled for Tuesday - which happens to be Valentine’s Day.  Students were pretty excited about that and one second grader decided that it was good because it gave us more time to practice!

…..One of my third grade students has particularly good rhythm and coordination and is really talented at jumping rope so I asked him if he wanted to learn a new trick.  I taught him how to do the “Rope in Rope” trick.  This trick involves jumping rope using a single rope while jumping in a long turning rope being turned by someone else.  He was able to do it after only a few tries.  I was impressed and so were his classmates!

…..Our PE Password this week is Play 60 and I have been encouraging students to play for 60 minutes per day.  One of my third grade students asked “Why 60?”  He was truly interested in the science of the reason behind the amount of time needed for good health.  It was great that he was interested and I was happy to explain why!

…..Jump Rope for Heart posters are still coming in!  It is a good thing we have a large school building with enough hallway space to hang them up!  The message are terrific and this week one of them even had a picture of Basketball Betty!

…..After I turned a long rope for a student so that she could jump she said:  “Now I want to turn for YOU!”  It was my turn to jump and I think I might have even impressed some of my students with my jump turns!

…..On Friday afternoon my former student who is working on his Eagle Scout project to benefit the PE program delivered the wood for the storage he is building for the fitness packs yet to come.  We are all excited and proud of his efforts!

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!" Visit my website: North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Best Parts of My Week - 1/30/17--2/3/17

Hi everyone,
    It was a busy week as we continued to get ready for Jump Rope for Heart.  As we began February I was struck by the speed at which this year is passing…….

…..At the beginning of the week I worked on a journal entry for Physical Eddie’s backpack.  There are so many demands on the school day that sometimes the classroom teachers do not have time to contribute to the journals for our fitness bears.  I always offer to help and work on it during PE and Physical Eddie’s latest host classroom took me up on it!  We had fun talking about all of the wonderful experiences he had!

…..We use a theme song for our Healthy Highway program and I was playing it on the PE iPod this week during some activities and one of my second graders told me about how she was with her dad and the song came on the radio.  She said:  “Dad!  This is our song!” This is our song!”
We also do a dance to the song and another student spontaneously started dancing to the song by doing the “windshield wipers” step when I played it as background music to our activity stations this week!

…..Each year I ask students to create posters to advertise and celebrate the message of our Jump Rope for Heart event.  These posters decorate our school and are always a wonderful reminder of the reason why we do this event.  Each student who creates a poster also earns a mile for their class car as it travels down the Healthy Highway.  Their creativity never ceases to amaze me.  This week a student delivered a huge poster that she and her mom made together!  Another student created a jumping heart out of a cardboard paper roll.  This one even had a tiny jump rope attached!  Still another student made an origami heart and several of the other posters had hearts to open with a message inside.  One said:  “You should practice in PE!”  Each poster was delivered to me with pride……..and I am so proud of my students!  The message is clear.  Students absolutely know why Jump Rope for Heart is important to themselves and others!  How about these pictures!

…..Students were not only creative with posters this week, but they were also creative with their jumping!  A pair of fifth graders created a new variation to the 2 in 1 side-by-side jump rope trick!  It was so great I filmed it and put it on the PE in Motion section of my website! Check it out!

…..You may know that I am somewhat of a technology “geek”.  I love all technology and this week I used an app called Virtual Heart to show students a connection between the heart rate that registered on a heart rate monitor they were using and and a “virtual heart”.  I started by saying:  “You all know that your heart does not look like a Valentine’s Day heart right?”  Of course they all said yes and smiled!  I explained the meaning of virtual reality and many of the students understood that based on video game technology.  Knowing that some students would not want to see a virtual heart I gave them the choice to use it during PE but most were intrigued enough to use it.  One of the students said:  “That’s awesome!” and so many of them had such incredible looks on their faces when they saw, heard, and felt, the virtual heart.  One fifth grader asked “Can we get it on our iPad’s?”  We have such amazing technology and I always feel fortunate to be able to share it with my students.  As I looked around my gymnasium I felt such gratitude for the iPads, heart rate monitors, pedometers, tripods, apps, and wi-fi that we were using in just one lesson!  (By the way....Basketball Betty likes technology too!)

…..Jump Rope for Heart “Honor Hearts” are starting to come in.  I decorate our gymnasium walls with them and each one has a wonderful memory or sentiment.  This week a few came in that were decorated lovingly and in memory of family members….

……I was watching a student practice many attempts at the “double under” jump rope trick.  He said:  ”You know what you should get for these?  A speedometer!”  Too funny!

…..We had an early release due to an impending snow storm this week and I was sitting with a student who was waiting to get picked up.  We had a terrific conversation about a healthy meal.  He told me that he was going home to have healthy food.  When I asked him what he was going to have he said:  “Salad and spaghetti, and then I’m going to play with my little sister!”

…..Well, it happened again.  This week I remembered something that I forgot to add to last week’s blog.  I had a kindergarten student suggest that we sit in a heart shape and then take a picture for Jump Rope for Heart!  How could I forget that?????  We are planning on it for our event!

…..I work in such an amazing building!  No matter what the event or situation, you can always count on everyone to be supportive.  This week one of our second grade teachers asked her students to make a JRFH poster as homework.  The posters that came in were fantastic!  Students were proud to hang them up and decorate the school.  Now that’s collaboration!  

…..I was walking down the hall this week and a second grade student stopped to show me his American Heart Association lanyard which he decorated with a variety of his pins.  He said:  “I’m just like you!”  I have decorated my ID lanyard with pins from my travels with Fitness Frankie and he wanted to have one just like it…..My heart was smiling inside and out!

…..Speaking of support, Friday was Go Red for Women Day and my school showed amazing support  the American Heart Association by wearing red, red dress pins, and bracelets, and by making donations to further the cause!  What a group!

…..I introduced my students to a Super Hero warm-up by Pete Charrette.  His fitness super heroes show students how to do a six station warm-up.  One student said made the connection and said:  “I’m wearing a Super Hero shirt” (Superman!).  Thanks Cap’n Pete!

…..I visited a first grade class on Fitness Friday to do some Go Noodle to start the day and had so much fun.  They had some great dance moves!  It was a great way to begin the day and end the week!  
I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!" Visit my website: North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.