Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Best Parts of My Week....4/19-4/23

Hi everyone,
This week's "Best Parts" happened during and after school!!!!

.....A second grade student brought to PE his medal that he won on a recent family vacation. He was very proud of it and I asked him how he won it. He replied: "Jump roping! No one could keep up with me!" What a great example of a student transferring something that he learned in PE to real life!

.....Family Fun Night! This week our PTA sponsored an event called Family Fun Night to celebrate PARP - Parents as Reading Partners. It has been a tradition for my obstacle course to be set up in the gym as one of the centers that students and families can enjoy. I was happy to set it up and run it for the evening. I had great fun helping and cheering on our students, their siblings, and even some "alumni" that came back to take a turn!

.....Our new rock wall! This week I was told that our new traverse rock wall is being installed in three weeks! I am looking forward to adding it to our program!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Best Parts of My Week - 4/12-4/16

Hi again,
What a busy week this was! Still, there were many great parts of the week.....

.....talking with a former student, now a parent of a current student, and realizing what a privilege it is to teach in a school long enough to be able to enjoy that experience!

.....playing Four Square with a group of 4th grade students and enjoying the smiles as we played. I was welcomed into the game by the players enthusiastically! Our focus was on Fair and Honest play. Each player was fair and honest, which made the game much more enjoyable! They commented about how much fun they had had during PE!

.....being in the audience watching a school play performance. I am in awe of the talent of our students and enjoy seeing them shine in different activities!

.....participating in a special Yoga program provided by Miss Kathleen of Wellcome Yoga. Our PTA offers grade level grants to bring programs into our school. I applied for, and was awarded a grant to bring this yoga program to three of our primary classes. The students and teachers loved it! We even met "Mr. Zoobles", Miss Kathleen's Yoga character. We learned many poses as we played yoga. We learned down dog, table, rock or child's pose, sign language for Yoga, that yoga links mind, body, and breath, and more!....thank you to our PTA and Miss Kathleen!