Monday, May 26, 2014

The Best Parts of My Week - 5/19/14---5/23/14

Hi everyone,
   It's that time of year when so many different events are happening, there is so much yet to do, and it seems that there is not enough time to do it!  That being said, it was a great week!

.....Our Operation Healthy North Park continues and I counted our Coop Cars on Monday to see how we are doing.  I counted 2,270 Coop Cars so far!  I am hoping that the Coop Cars keep coming in!  If you would like to participate, click on OHNP to get the details!

.....On of our Fitness Mascot Bears - Physical Eddie - is spending some time in a second grade class.  He came with the class to PE this week.  One of the students was taking care of him during the class and she helped him to participate in our skip count warm-up and play our striker game.  On the way out of PE students self assess their behavior as they answer a question.  This week's question was "Did you play fair?"  Physical Eddie chose green for yes!  Physical Eddie has his own blog too!  Click Physical Eddie to read about his adventures!

.....During the week our students performed the In-school Spring Concert.  As students were getting ready for the concert I had a very small class of fourth graders.  These students played 4 Square with such enthusiasm and sportsmanship.  It was great to witness!  Soon it was time to attend the concert.  Hundreds of our students in third through fifth grade performed in the orchestra, band, and chorus.  The concert was fabulous and I was so proud of our students!  It is so wonderful to be a part of school community where you have the privilege to see students shine in many different ways!

.....The weather cooperated for the beginning of the week and we were able to take our primary students outside to play a game that we call triangle ball.  Basically students are practicing batting and fielding skills in a small group setting.  Our students loved being outside and not only did they bat and field well they took turns and played fairly!

.....Our fifth graders participate in a program called Promising Pals.  The fifth grade teachers work to compile a list of willing adult volunteers and then students are paired up with these volunteers to discuss their career choices.  Students pair with volunteers that have careers that they are interested in in the hopes of finding out more about what it takes to do that particular job.  Students and volunteers exchange letters and then meet at school as a culmination to the program.  I had a moment or two to view the program in progress and it was amazing!  At the end of the day while I was supervising student pick-ups several of the fifth graders agreed that it was indeed an amazing event!  While I had nothing to do with this event, I am proud of my school and the effort of my colleagues to bring in adults from all walks of life to show our students the possibilities for their future!

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!"  To find out more about the PE program at North Park, visit my website:  North Park Physical Education

See you next week!