It has finally started to feel like spring! It was a great week! While last week I wrote about some major events, this week it was the little things that made my day!
.....Students took our PE summative assessments this week. I was proud of their effort! They worked very hard and did their best! At the end of one of the testing sessions one of my fifth graders commented on how many PE Passwords she read during the testing! I guess that means the PE Password is working!
.....At the end of some of the primary testing I had time to take the students outside for a few minutes of play. One of my kindergartners exclaimed on the way out: "Best Day Ever!" Another kindergarten student was on top of one of the climbing apparatus. I asked him if he needed help and he said: "No, I am just up here enjoying the view!" Wouldn't it be great if we all had time to enjoy the view each day?
......At the end of the day I have bus duty in the gym while students are called to be picked up. I often have time to chat and this week one of my students asked me if she was going to get her test back. Since this is a summative district assessment the tests are not returned. She said that she wanted to know her score so that she could work to improve! What a great attitude!
.....Operation Healthy North Park is in full swing and this week I had a great discussion with a family about the opportunity for all family members to participate. We even agreed that the family dog needed exercise and could be included! One of my kindergarten students contributed a Coop Car this week because he had played Croquet! How cool is that?
.....Operation Healthy North Park is open to all schools and community members in my district. This week I received an envelope with 214 Coop Cars from a middle school health class. The health teacher has taken this on as a project for her students and the collaboration is wonderful! As I looked through the Coop Cars I saw many great activities listed as well as so many former students participating! It is amazing to be able to continue to make an impact even after students have moved on to the next level!
.....My shoulder is healing well from surgery and my students noticed that this week I was not wearing my sling as often. One student said: "Your arm is getting better - YAY!" Another student commented that I was not wearing the sling in the morning but I had it on in the afternoon. I explained that I needed to rest my shoulder in the afternoon and so sometimes I put the sling back on. She replied: "You look better with it off." I agreed!
.....Students are encouraged to bring a healthier snacks to celebrate birthdays. This week a student brought in fruit kabobs and bite sized cupcake treats. It was the perfect combination! She shared them with me and they were delicious! It is so rewarding to see students making healthy choices and sharing them!
.....Everyday one of my students stops by just to say hello. It is a quick hello and then off to class. It makes my day - everyday.........
I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!" To find out more about the PE program at North Park, visit my website: North Park Physical Education
See you next week!