Monday, October 8, 2012

The Best Parts of My Week - 10/1/12--10-5/12

Hi everyone,
     As the Fall season has arrived, the leaves are changing, and we are busy busy at North Park!

.....I received an e-mail this week that shared the news that our Family Fitness Night held last June as a result of a Fuel Up to Play 60 Grant was featured in the October Fuel Up to Play 60 Newsletter!  Check it out:

.....One of our parents told me this week that her son's eating habits have improved since he became a student in our school!  She said that as a result of our Wellness Wednesdays and Healthy Highway program, he not only asks for healthy snacks, he eats them!

.....I began a cooperative activities unit this week and one of the first lessons that I do with my primary students is "Puzzle Buddies".  Students move with one piece of a two-piece puzzle and on a signal, find their "Puzzle Buddy".  Students are then asked to find out something new about their buddy.  It is always great to watch the surprise on the faces of the students when they realize who their "Puzzle Buddy" is!

.....Students in the upper elementary grades begin a cooperative unit by completing the "Cooperative Puzzle Project".  During this lesson, students are divided into six groups and each group works together to find puzzle pieces for their unique puzzle.  When completed, each puzzle portrays a different concept with words and a picture.  These concepts are:  Show Respect, Cooperate, Play Fair, Play Hard, Play Safe, and Courage.  When students have completed the puzzle, they discussed as a group what they think the puzzle means.  Each group shared their thoughts with the class and every group was right on target! As simple as this activity is, it starts us off on the right foot!

.....Students in third, fourth, and fifth grade have recently been introduced to the use of heart rate monitors.  Students are so excited to use them!  What a great opportunity to teach students the value of exercise and fitness!  I have commented many times on the fact that we have some wonderful equipment and amazing opportunities to teach our students, but there are times when those opportunities make me smile even more!

.....Each month I create a Fitness Calendar that students and families are invited to complete.  One side contains simple exercises and healthy suggestions, while the other side is blank for students to complete with their own exercises and healthy choices.  Students who complete the calendar are designated as "Fitness Fanatics" and earn a mile for their class as their car moves down our Healthy Highway roads.    So far 96 calendars have been turned in!  It's a record!  It has been so well received that I am going to need another chart to keep track of all of our "Fitness Fanatics"!

.....At the end of the week, we were completing a dismissal drill when one student passed by and said:  "I am eating healthy snacks!"  I love it when students are proud to share their healthy choices with me!  It ended my week on a great note!

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!"  To find out more about the PE program at North Park, visit my website:

See you next week!