WOW! What a week! I hope you enjoy reading about the Best Parts of My Week as much as I enjoyed experiencing them!
.....My primary students are participating in a cooperative activities unit and this week began with a lesson called "Scooter Spaceships". This lesson reinforces the concepts of playing fair, playing safe, and working together. I told the students that I had some special "space music" to play while they were taking a trip to space. The looks on their faces when I played the theme to Star Wars was priceless! Most knew the song and I was surprised!
.....Students in the upper grades are assigned duties as the "materials manager" when log cards and other materials are needed. Most students like to be the "materials manager" but there are times when students do not clamor to do the job. One day this week a student decided that when the current materials manager did not finish the job correctly, she would step in of her own accord and finish the necessary tasks. I was proud of her!
.....I love it when adults and students hear what is going on in the gymnasium and stop by to visit! This week one of our monitors heard the music and excitement and just had to stop and see all of the fun that we were having!
.....Fitness Frankie has been assigned a role as Healthy Highway ambassador this year and is not visiting classrooms since Healthy Hannah and Physical Eddie are taking on that responsibility. One of my fourth graders asked me "Where is Fitness Frankie?" He was in my office so I brought him out and everyone was excited to see him!
.....I have mentioned before that we have a tremendous number of new students this year. It has been exciting meeting so many new friends! This week it occurred to me that "what's old is new" and so much of the "new" is exciting to so many new friends!
.....At the end of the week I had a wonderful opportunity to go on a field trip with the 5th grade classes to the Walkway Over the Hudson. Students wore pedometers and logged steps, classroom teachers taught students about the history of this Walkway, and we finished the trip with a healthy snack of apples! It was an amazing day and I felt terrific when the students expressed excitement when they knew that I was going too! I had a chance to chat and walk with the students and be a part of a collaborative effort that included history, math, physical fitness, and healthy nutrition! I brought Fitness Frankie, Healthy Hannah, and Physical Eddie (of course), and each class was asked to care for one of the bears during the trip. The students were so happy to have them along and took great care of them on the trip! Pictures of this trip will be on my PE website soon!
I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!" To find out more about the PE program at North Park, visit my website:
See you next week!