School is in full swing and in many ways it feels as if we never left! It was a busy week!
.....We started the week with our first Healthy Highway Assembly of the year. This was very exciting because we have so many new students. It was great to be able to introduce the program and how North Park travels down the Healthy Highway to so many new students and adults! I read Fitness Frankie's Summer Adventure book to everyone and we explained the meaning of our traffic light sticks and our very first road of the year: Courage Crossroads! Our school motto is: "We have the COURAGE to do the right thing!" "Physical Eddie" and "Healthy Hannah" made their debut and of course, we danced! At the end of the day I was talking with some students and asked them about their favorite part of the day. Several of the students commented on the assembly and about how much they liked the dance! It was great to start the year on such a positive note!
.....During the summer I created a bulletin board that I call "Fitness Frankie Approved!" The board contains ten different summer activities and some paw prints. I asked the students to place paw print stickers on the activities that they participated in this summer. Each student and adult received four paw print stickers and they were asked to place them on the activity board. It was great to see the excitement from the students and adults! One of the students asked me if I put my stickers on too! I was happy to share that my stickers were put on the activity boards for kayaking, walking, bicycling, and golf! Fitness Frankie was watching as the students placed the stickers. Some of the students in one of the fifth grade classes asked me if they could hold him. They were very excited to pass him around and said that they loved his new hoodie!
.....This week we held our annual Meet Your Teacher nights. I enjoyed so much meeting so many new parents and the opportunity to share what North Park PE is all about with parents and grandparents with a slide show celebrating last year's activities. I had some great conversations! I finished showing this slide show to my students as well this week and it was great to hear comments like "I love that!" when students were watching all of the activities that they participated in last year!
.....My primary students are learning about moving in general space safely with a game called "Bubbles". Students use hoops to create a bubble and attempt to move throughout the gymnasium without popping! When I explained that the hoops would be pretend bubbles, one of my first graders suggested that they could also be a force field! How creative!
.....I ended the week with the signing of the Healthy Highway pledge board. It was wonderful to see the students sign carefully and take the pledge seriously! I invited the adults in the building to sign it as well and they were delighted to be a part of it!
I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!" To find out more about the PE program at North Park, visit my website:
See you next week!