It was a beautiful week! I was able to spend some time outside with my classes and we all enjoyed the sunshine! I hope you enjoy "The Best Parts of My Week"!
......One of my students stopped me in the hallway to tell me that they saw a real "Coop Car"! (A Mini-Cooper) This car is the theme car of Healthy Highway and we are using the cartoon character "Coop" as our Operation Healthy North Park exercise coupon. Students were so excited and I was excited to know that they are thinking on Operation Healthy North Park outside of school!
.....Last May we were fortunate to have a new rock wall installed in our gymnasium. This week we were even more fortunate as it was expanded this week to double the size! We are all very excited!
.....Due to the rock wall expansion in the gym this week, I held my classes outside while the work was being done. I decided to play a game that I call "Triangle Ball". It is a shortened version of whiffle ball and uses a tee and only three bases that make a triangle. Students play in small groups and take turns being the batter, pitcher, and fielder. I played this game with students from kindergarten through fifth grade and they all loved it! It was fun to watch them play!
.....Operation Healthy North Park is in full swing! I am grateful for the participation of so many in our school and community! This week I received "Coop Cars" from our Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, as well as parents, students, siblings, teachers, and office staff from our school and administration!
.....I was excited to learn that our school may have the opportunity to create a "teaching garden" that will help students learn about growing healthy foods!
.....Toward the end of the week I planned yoga activities for my younger students. When they walked into the gymnasium many exclaimed "Yoga! Yesssssss!" At the end of the session, many others told me how much they had enjoyed yoga and that they were relaxed enough to sleep! I am always amazed by the power of Yoga for our students and feel grateful to have the equipment that allows me to provide the opportunity for them to experience it!
.....Fitness Frankie played golf (well sort of) with our principal and myself after school on Friday! We had a great time taking him along. He enjoyed it too! (I could tell by the smile on his face!) Visit his blog to read about his adventures! The Adventures of Fitness Frankie!
.....My week was extended a bit for wonderful reason. On Saturday I was proud to be a part of the Elementary/Middle School PE Awards sponsored by the Southeastern Zone of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NYS AHPERD). I have volunteered at this event for a few years and in the recent past have been able to nominate some of my students for the award. 460 students were honored at this ceremony and I was proud to have students from North Park receiving the award as well! Families and students alike were proud of their accomplishment!
I hope you enjoyed reading about "The Best Parts of My Week".
Please consider participating in "Operation Healthy North Park!"
Visit the North Park PE website to learn more about our program.
E-mail me with comments or questions at:
E-mail me with comments or questions at: