Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Best Parts of My Week - 11/7/16--11/11/16

Hi everyone,
    It was a choppy week since teachers had a Teacher Training Day (more about that later) and school was closed on Friday for Veterans Day.  Nonetheless, we packed a lot into three days! 

      On Monday morning one of my students was eager to tell me that he went to a football game over the weekend.  I asked him what game it was and he said Army vs. Air Force.  Then he said:  “Air Force Won!”  When I expressed my sadness for him thinking that he wanted Army to wind because we are so close to West Point he corrected me and said that he wanted Air Force to win!  I guess you never know.  My dad always said:  “Know your audience.”  That is good advice……next time I will follow it!

      Our Fuel Up to Play Student Ambassadors have come up with a great idea to generate interest in our Fitness Calendar program.  It is called the Great Fitness CalendarRace and the idea is that each class has to submit a minimum number of completed Fitness Calendars at the end of each month in order to stay in the race.  Each month, the minimum number increases.  Each class gets one miss and the class that stays in the race the longest will be designated as the winner of the race!  This week we gathered to find out who is still in the race.  One of the ambassadors brought Physical Eddie to the meeting because he is being taken care of by her class.  She said:  “He’s one of us!”  Students are so excited!  It is definitely generating interest and I am so proud of their idea! 

      Second graders are having a great time bringing FitnessFrankie home during the weekends.  He came back right on time this week after a healthy weekend adventure!  Every time I get to peek in his backpack to see the newest journal entry I smile!

      Students have been participating in cooperative activities recently and students in grades three through five have been working on a game called Islands.  I spoke about it last week in my blog.  I was interested to find out how students felt during the game because these kinds of activities often bring up a myriad of feelings and debriefing can be powerful.  Students were asked to answer the question using Plickers and had a choice of four feelings:  alone, proud, happy, and frustrated.  Along with the question, students had cards to view to help them choose.  Physical Eddie decided to work on it too!  The results were interesting and powerful…….which reminds me of the impact that cooperative education can have on student learning……..

      A second grader wore a shirt this week that said:  “Spread kindness like confetti….” What a great shirt and they are words to live by! 

      Just when I was having a challenging day students appeared with random hugs….

      A fourth grade class is hosting Physical Eddie this week and he came to PE to play the Islands game.  He does not appear to be afraid of our sharks!  Not only did he come to PE this week but he also had fun in Technology class!  He is having an excellent adventure!


      During the Teacher Training Day on Tuesday I had the opportunity to be a part of a conference hosted by the Southeastern Zone of NYS AHPERD.  I am proud to be the president of this zone and our conference directors and conference team did an amazing job putting on this conference!  I met some incredible teachers and presenters from across the country!  It was a terrific day to learn and grow professionally!  I learned some new ideas that I can’t wait to try! 

      One of the connections I made during this conference was with Jim DeLine of Texas.  He is so unbelievably professional and humble and he is a fantastic teacher!  While I was talking with him after the conference we realized that we have some things in common and are working on getting our students to work on a project together!  More on that as the weeks progress but suffice it to say that Fitness Frankie is involved!  There are so many exciting possibilities!  

      During an activity using blindfolds, one student decided to wear his glasses over the blindfold.  He looked just like a superhero!  Maybe he is…….. J

      At the end of the week a second grade invited some Veterans to a ceremony thanking them for their service.  As the Webmaster for our school website, I received some pictures of the event to put up on the website.  Our second grade students wrote thank you notes to our Veterans and dressed up in red, white, and blue.  What an inspiring project……….Our second graders said thank you and so will I.  Thank you to all of our Veterans for your service.  I am grateful……..

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week"!  Visit my website:  North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.  
