Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Best Parts of My Week - 1/19/16--1/22/16

Hi everyone,
     It was a bit of a short week due to the Martin Luther King Holiday on Monday but we sure packed in as much education and enrichment as we could this week! 

.....One of the biggest events that we do during the school year (other than Field Day of course....) is our annual Jump Rope for Heart event.  Since the gym was painted during the summer and floor work was planned, I did not have our Jump Rope for Heart banners hung up on the walls.  I finally got them all up and boy do they look great!   My students noticed them right away and it was a perfect opportunity for me to talk about the event.  It is so great that the students are excited about helping others! 

.....I was demonstrating a jump rope trick to a third grade class and I was having a hard time getting it right.  I often don't mind when this happens because it shows my students that I have to work hard too.  During my attempt there was a snicker or two in the crowd but I was so proud of one of my students who told the class that when someone makes a mistake you should not laugh because they are trying really hard.......

.....This week I asked students to consider the question:  "How can I challenge myself?"  That question was answered loud and clear when one of my fifth graders performed a combination jump rope trick.  He added a skier's jump to a front cross!  It was amazing!

.....I love listening to student reactions when they learn a skill that they had previously not been able to do.  I often hear things like:  "I did it!"  or "I could not do it before but now I can!"  There were lots of those reactions this week as students practiced new jump rope and jumping skills.

.....When I ask students to make small groups I require that everyone be included.  Even so, sometimes there are students who stand off to the side because they can't find a group.  I saw this happen this week and asked the student who she would like to be with.  She told me and we went over to the group.  I told the group that this student would be joining them and without hesitation, one of the students said:  "Sure!"  She had the biggest smile on her face!  If I needed a group to play that reaction would have made my day!

.....I smiled to myself this week while I watched my fifth grade students jumping rope.  I thought back to when they were in kindergarten and were just learning to jump.  I am so proud of how much they have grown and learned!  I shared this thought with a few students and they seemed proud of their accomplishments too!

.....One of my students asked me a question this week with a very thoughtful look on his face.  He said:  "Kids say gym, but what does PE mean?"  I explained that PE stood for Physical Education and that in PE we learn all about how to move, why it is important to move and all about moving our bodies, in addition to other things.  I guess that cleared it up because he nodded his head and went on his way to do the warm-up!

.....This week I introduced the use of the pulse bar type of heart rate monitors to students in grades 3-5.  I was explaining what the number on the bar means and and that our hearts are like the engine in a car.  One of the students said that his heart rate number was miles per hour! 

.....I also shared my Fitbit with my students again this week because it tracks my heart rate.  One of my students showed me that she has a Fitbit just like mine!  She said that she and her mom both have one and they are competing with each other for steps!  Earlier in the class I had asked students to raise their hand if someone else in their family exercises too.  I wanted to make the point that exercise is important for everyone - not just children in school.  I was impressed at the number of hands that went up immediately!  Students were happy to share what kind of exercise some of their family members do on a regular basis!  

.....Last week we finished some lessons learning about clocks, compasses, and orienteering.  A student showed me his watch on the way out of PE this week because it also had N, S, E, and W on it!  It made me feel good that he had learned something that created a connection in his life!  

.....At the end of the week we held our Healthy Highway assembly as we begin to travel down Respect Road.  We had a great time at the assembly as some of the faculty and staff put on skits to illustrate the need for Respect for everyone.  During the assembly students also shared their Kindness Projects during our travel down Kindness Way.  The projects were so for the hungry, thank you notes for Veterans, Kindness Fortune Cookies (I got one!), compliments to friends, Stop Bullying Signs, appreciation signs for our bus drivers, and giant kindness murals hung up in the hallways.  It was a great way to end the week!  

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week"!  Visit my website:  North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.  

Follow me on Twitter!  @mrobPE