While we wait for snow to arrive in the northeast, we continue to enjoy the wonderful opportunities we have to learn and grow in our school! Oh...and our new floor is still BEAUTIFUL!
.....Fitness Frankie is back from break and spent the weekend with a second grade friend! He arrived back on Monday morning after having a terrific adventure playing basketball!
.....I have been very excited about the reaction to the Clock Fitness activities and this week we moved on to Compass Fitness! Students had a chance to use a compass and learn a bit about orienteering while finding their way to different stations using the directions on a compass. When a fourth grade class was picked up by their teacher I was told that they were learning about explorers and how they found their way.....it was a great connection!
.....Physical Eddie has been having a great adventure in fourth grade.....He learned about how to use a compass and wanted to read about different sports with a friend! He is so easy to hug and as he left PE he was being hugged by a friend........
.....On Tuesday we held our January Fuel Up to Play 60 Student Ambassador meeting. It is such an enthusiastic and energetic group! We had a great time reporting on our recent Let's Dance Fitness Friday event and choosing our team name!
.....One of my students told me that she PE was her favorite special and she loved all of the activities that I plan....it made me smile from ear to ear!
.....During the winter months we often have indoor recess due to the temperature outdoors. This week we had several indoor recess days and one of my fifth grade students asked to borrow some juggling scarves so that she could practice her juggling! She is getting very good! I was so happy that she thought to ask!
.....Students in the band, orchestra, and chorus performed for the school this week as a dress rehearsal for their evening Winter Concert performance. I always enjoy being a part of student events that are outside of PE class. Students have worked so hard and for many students this is their first performance. They were so excited and nervous at the same time but it was clear that they appreciated seeing the smiling faces of friends and teachers ready to support their effort! Later I told them how proud I was of their performance. I also had a chance to share that I too was once a music student so that I knew how much practice it takes to put on such a terrific performance!
.....I have recently taken over as the President of the Southeastern Zone of NYS AHPERD and this week I held my first meeting as president. I was so nervous because I wanted the meeting to go well and I also wanted to live up to the fantastic work of those who have gone before me in this position. After the meeting was over I was relieved that it went well but realized I had nothing to be nervous about since the SEZ group is so amazing and supportive! I am SEZ proud!
.....I had a discussion with a student this week about the possibilities in life. We agreed that she could be anything she wanted to be!
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