I had a fantastic week! I tried some new things, shared some ideas, took a trip down memory lane, and connected with other PE professionals! I actually can't believe I fit it all in in just one week!
.....If you have ready this blog before you probably know that I absolutely love technology! I have been experimenting with some different video apps for assessment during the past few months. There are so many good apps out there and each one has it's pros and cons. This week I set up my iPad minis on carts and tripods and asked students in grades 3-5 watch themselves doing a jump rope skill. My students were so excited to see themselves on the screen! One of my fifth grade students watched himself and said: "That's not so bad!" It made me realize the value of using video not just for skill acquisition or assessment, but also for self-esteem and validation........Another student told me that he liked using video because it shows him what he is doing well and what he needs to do better! Perfect!
.....A second grade student quote: "Since I did 19 push-ups I got a muscle!"
.....I received the SHAPE America journal called Strategies in the mail this week. I am grateful to say that my article: "What is the PE Password? Incorporating Vocabulary in Your Elementary PE Program" was published in this month's issue!
.....Speaking of the PE Password, one of my fifth grade students stopped me in the hallway this week and said: "I wonder what the next PE Password is?" It was "F" day and I change the password every "A" day. I gave him a sneak preview (Cardiovascular) at the end of the day while he was waiting to be picked up!
.....I had fun comparing Fit Bit stats this week with one of my fourth grade students! It's great to see students and families embracing technology to improve physical fitness!
.....My students are getting ready for Jump Rope for Heart and I have been asking students to practice a variety of jumping and jumping rope activities. I love it when they are so proud of their improvement! Many students told me that they were so surprised that they could jump so many times in a row! Other students were challenging themselves with new tricks! I am even trying a few new tricks myself!
.....We had a special "Buddy Reading" program during one afternoon this week. It was so nice to see older students reading to younger students and younger students reading their favorite books to their older reading buddies! Since I am the webmaster for our school website I had the privilege of taking pictures during the event to share on our website. The pictures are priceless!
.....There were hugs all around this week for some reason......students saying hello and goodbye, or sometimes just for the sake of a hug to show they care.......
.....On Friday I had the honor of presenting at the Central South Zone of NYS AHPERD's mini conference at SUNY Cortland. I graduated from SUNY Cortland quite some time ago. I had a fantastic time being at the conference and reminiscing about my time there "back in the day". I spoke to PE majors, connected with friends and colleagues, met some great PE professionals, learned some new things, and even had a chance to speak with a former professor!
I wonder what next week will bring!
I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week"! Visit my website: North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.
Follow me on Twitter! @mrobPE