Monday, May 26, 2014

The Best Parts of My Week - 5/19/14---5/23/14

Hi everyone,
   It's that time of year when so many different events are happening, there is so much yet to do, and it seems that there is not enough time to do it!  That being said, it was a great week!

.....Our Operation Healthy North Park continues and I counted our Coop Cars on Monday to see how we are doing.  I counted 2,270 Coop Cars so far!  I am hoping that the Coop Cars keep coming in!  If you would like to participate, click on OHNP to get the details!

.....On of our Fitness Mascot Bears - Physical Eddie - is spending some time in a second grade class.  He came with the class to PE this week.  One of the students was taking care of him during the class and she helped him to participate in our skip count warm-up and play our striker game.  On the way out of PE students self assess their behavior as they answer a question.  This week's question was "Did you play fair?"  Physical Eddie chose green for yes!  Physical Eddie has his own blog too!  Click Physical Eddie to read about his adventures!

.....During the week our students performed the In-school Spring Concert.  As students were getting ready for the concert I had a very small class of fourth graders.  These students played 4 Square with such enthusiasm and sportsmanship.  It was great to witness!  Soon it was time to attend the concert.  Hundreds of our students in third through fifth grade performed in the orchestra, band, and chorus.  The concert was fabulous and I was so proud of our students!  It is so wonderful to be a part of school community where you have the privilege to see students shine in many different ways!

.....The weather cooperated for the beginning of the week and we were able to take our primary students outside to play a game that we call triangle ball.  Basically students are practicing batting and fielding skills in a small group setting.  Our students loved being outside and not only did they bat and field well they took turns and played fairly!

.....Our fifth graders participate in a program called Promising Pals.  The fifth grade teachers work to compile a list of willing adult volunteers and then students are paired up with these volunteers to discuss their career choices.  Students pair with volunteers that have careers that they are interested in in the hopes of finding out more about what it takes to do that particular job.  Students and volunteers exchange letters and then meet at school as a culmination to the program.  I had a moment or two to view the program in progress and it was amazing!  At the end of the day while I was supervising student pick-ups several of the fifth graders agreed that it was indeed an amazing event!  While I had nothing to do with this event, I am proud of my school and the effort of my colleagues to bring in adults from all walks of life to show our students the possibilities for their future!

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!"  To find out more about the PE program at North Park, visit my website:  North Park Physical Education

See you next week!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Best Parts of My Week! - 5/12/14 - 5/16/14

Hi everyone,
     It has finally started to feel like spring!  It was a great week!  While last week I wrote about some major events, this week it was the little things that made my day!

.....Students took our PE summative assessments this week.  I was proud of their effort!  They worked very hard and did their best!  At the end of one of the testing sessions one of my fifth graders commented on how many PE Passwords she read during the testing!  I guess that means the PE Password is working!

.....At the end of some of the primary testing I had time to take the students outside for a few minutes of play.  One of my kindergartners exclaimed on the way out:  "Best Day Ever!"  Another kindergarten student was on top of one of the climbing apparatus.  I asked him if he needed help and he said:  "No, I am just up here enjoying the view!"  Wouldn't it be great if we all had time to enjoy the view each day?

......At the end of the day I have bus duty in the gym while students are called to be picked up.  I often have time to chat and this week one of my students asked me if she was going to get her test back.  Since this is a summative district assessment the tests are not returned.  She said that she wanted to know her score so that she could work to improve!  What a great attitude!

.....Operation Healthy North Park is in full swing and this week I had a great discussion with a family about the opportunity for all family members to participate.  We even agreed that the family dog needed exercise and could be included!  One of my kindergarten students contributed a Coop Car this week because he had played Croquet!  How cool is that?

.....Operation Healthy North Park is open to all schools and community members in my district.  This week I received an envelope with 214 Coop Cars from a middle school health class.  The health teacher has taken this on as a project for her students and the collaboration is wonderful!  As I looked through the Coop Cars I saw many great activities listed as well as so many former students participating!  It is amazing to be able to continue to make an impact even after students have moved on to the next level!

.....My shoulder is healing well from surgery and my students noticed that this week I was not wearing my sling as often.  One student said:  "Your arm is getting better - YAY!"  Another student commented that I was not wearing the sling in the morning but I had it on in the afternoon.  I explained that I needed to rest my shoulder in the afternoon and so sometimes I put the sling back on.  She replied:  "You look better with it off."  I agreed!

.....Students are encouraged to bring a healthier snacks to celebrate birthdays.  This week a student brought in fruit kabobs and bite sized cupcake treats.  It was the perfect combination!  She shared them with me and they were delicious!  It is so rewarding to see students making healthy choices and sharing them!

.....Everyday one of my students stops by just to say hello.  It is a quick hello and then off to class.  It makes my day - everyday.........

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!"  To find out more about the PE program at North Park, visit my website:  North Park Physical Education

See you next week!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The "Best Parts of My Week" 5/4/14 - 5/9/14

Hi everyone,
     What an amazing week!  It was "jam-packed" from beginning to end and then some!

.....This week was "Teacher Appreciation Week".  Our PTA does so much for our students and our school and they go above and beyond to show their appreciation for us!  The week began with a wonderful breakfast and continued with each teacher receiving a bucket labeled with his/her name.  The theme of the week involved filling the buckets based on a book that encourages filling up everyone's "bucket" with kind words and actions.  Classroom teachers read the book to students and then student spent the week literally "filling our buckets"!  I received so many kind notes, flowers, and treats and at the end of the week my bucket - and my heart - were full of joy!  One of the flowers that was delivered by a first grade student was orange in color.  She told me that she decided on that color flower because it was the color of a vegetable and that was healthy!  The week ended with a delicious luncheon.  I truly feel appreciated! Thank you so much!

.....Since May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month we plan several special events to celebrate!  Our Operation Healthy North Park is going strong and we are beginning to fill our race car bags!  I appreciate all of the hard work and many teachers are promoting the idea in their classrooms and encouraging students to fill out a "Coop Car" each day - collaboration in action!

......North Park Project ACES (All Children Exercising Simultaneously) was scheduled for the middle of the week.  This is a nationwide event started by Len Saunders and has grown to include thousands of students!   Find out more about Project ACES by clicking on the link!  Although we have participated in this event for years, I wanted to expand on it this year and an opportunity presented itself to do just that!  I was able to invite Erica Ruge - a Team USA duathlete - to our event!  She was terrific and spoke to our students about the importance of exercising, making healthy choices, and drinking water.  Her message was well received and our students were so excited to meet her!  Not only were the students excited but our staff was impressed as well!  She brought her bicycle with her and explained how it was different from their bicycles.  We all danced together and had a terrific time!  It was a great event to continue to highlight the need for physical activity and healthy choices!

.....After our Project ACES event concluded I was in the faculty room and a kindergarten teacher commented that her class had the best writing and math lesson that morning right after ACES.  She said that she was certain that the children were so engaged in the learning because they exercised right before it!  I agreed with her and told her that the research shows that exercise stimulates the brain and improves academic performance!

.....One of my first grade students brought a book to PE this week to show me a connection she had made in her classroom to our PE program.  The book was all about Yoga.  We just finished several Yoga classes during PE!  She was thrilled to share her connection and I was thrilled that she made the connection and her teacher was there to support it!

.....The week ended with our Family Fitness Night on Friday night.  What a night!  We had about 100 students, families, and staff in attendance.  I had so much help from my colleagues, our parent volunteers, and our PTA!  Students were treated to a carrot-themed healthy snack station that was run by one of our parents - a Culinary Institute of America Chef!  He and his family were so gracious and helpful!  I could not have done that station without them!  One of the students was reluctant to try the carrot smoothie but after trying it wanted more!  I had help from colleagues and parent volunteers to set up, run the stations, and then clean up at the end of the evening.  I am so fortunate to work with such caring and dedicated individuals.  We had fun playing Let's Move in School, Jump Rope, Speed Stacks, and My Plate Bingo!  Students and families also participated in a QR Code Scavenger hunt featuring questions about fitness and healthy choices!  It was so much fun I can't wait to do it again next year!

.....Even though the school week ended the "Best Parts of My Week" continued into the weekend!  On Saturday I attended the Southeastern Zone of NYS AHPERD Elementary/Middle School Awards Ceremony.  This was a fantastic event during which more than 450 students were recognized for their outstanding leadership, cooperation, and participation during Physical Education class.  Eight of our students were being recognized!  I am actively involved in this organization and I was proud to see our students recognized!  It was wonderful to see the parents and family members as proud as I was!  You can view pictures of this event by clicking on North Park SEZ Elementary/Middle School Awards.

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!"  To find out more about the PE program at North Park, visit my website:  North Park Physical Education

See you next week!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Best Parts of My Week! 4/28/14 - 5/2/14

Hi everyone,
     What a week!  I started back to work this week after being out as a result of shoulder surgery.  I was eager to get back to work and got the "ok" fro my doctor as long as I did not use my arm - no small task when you are a PE teacher!  I knew that I was going to need to rely on my friends and my students for help.  I was overwhelmed with the welcome back that I received!  Everyone has been so kind and helpful.  North Park is the BEST!  I hope you enjoy reading about the best parts of my week!

.....Every day this week some of my fifth grade students came down to the gymnasium as soon as they arrived to school and helped me to set up and get ready for the day.  They are awesome!  All of the students were so caring and thoughtful and asked all week if I was feeling better. 

.....Since I am still wearing a sling to school to protect my shoulder (and prevent me from over-doing it) I wanted to explain to my students why I was wearing a sling.  After I explained, most of the students had some questions or comments.  In one class a student commented that I must have a lot of perseverance to come to school when I can only use one arm!  Perseverance is something we talk about often as part of our Healthy Highway program and it is clear that the students understand the meaning!  Another student commented that we are lucky to have doctors who can help us!  What a mature response!

.....This week I began to review for some end of year assessments.  I created flash cards with questions and answers and students used the cards to play "Flash Card Tag".  After we played one of the students commented "that was easy"!  I replied that he must have worked hard this year to learn so that it seemed easy!  

.....I received a package in the mail today from an amazing teacher in Oregon who I met at the SHAPE America Convention in St.Louis last month.  I had introduced her to Fitness Frankie; one of our mascot bears.  Fitness Frankie goes on adventures to learn about exercising and eating healthy foods.  She thought he was cute (so do I) and this package contained a new bear from St. Louis for our collection - Muscle Missy!  What a thoughtful gift! Muscle Missy will make her debut soon!

.....NYS Math testing took place this week and as a result the schedule for specials changed.  While I teach most of the PE classes in my school, there are two other traveling PE teachers who have a few classes.  The change in schedule meant that we needed to switch some classes so I was able to teach some students that I don't normally have.  I told students that I felt lucky to be their teacher for a day and they responded with applause and "yay"!  I felt very welcome!

.....My primary students began the week with some Yoga activities.  When the walked into the gymnasium and saw the Yoga mats they smiled and said "Yoga - Yay!"  During one of the classes our new pre-school group came for a visit with their parents and joined right in!

.....Last year I created the PE Password as a way to focus attention on PE vocabulary without sacrificing activity time.  This week a fourth grade student told me that she found two PE Passwords in a book she was reading!  Later in the week she brought the book in to me and pointed out the words - stamina and endurance!  I guess the PE Password program is working!!!

.....Since May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, I plan several activities to promote the need for exercise and healthy choices.  One of those activities is Operation Healthy North Park.  As I was putting informational letters in the mailboxes this week one of my colleagues said:  "this is my favorite event"!  What great support!  On Tuesday I was putting up a bulletin board to display Operation Healthy North Park after school.  It was a challenge with my arm in a sling!  A student waiting for a parent who was at a school meeting offered to help.  When I explained what the bulletin board was for she responded that she knew about OHNP because she read about it in my newsletter!  She was a great help!  By the way, Operation Healthy North Park is open to all!  

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!"  To find out more about the PE program at North Park, visit my website:  North Park Physical Education

See you next week!