We are still waiting for some snow, but we had a great week with the 100th Day of School on Monday and Valentine's Day on Tuesday!
.....A third grade student was happy to tell me that she had brought in a healthy snack for her birthday treat - Fruit Kabobs!
.....I had written about the increasingly popular use of heart rate monitors in science projects recently and at the beginning of this week a student brought in his finished project to show me! It was terrific and I was happy to have helped out with a small part of it!
.....A first grader was proud to show me his new sneakers. He said: "They make me super fast!" Remember those days when you were convinced that a new pair of sneakers did the same for you?
.....Tuesday was Valentine's day and there was plenty of smiles and valentines to go around! Fitness Frankie was spending the week in a second grade classroom and they made him his own mailbox stuffed with valentines! One of the students suggested that when Fitness Frankie was done with the mailbox for Valentine's Day he should leave it in the main office in case anyone wanted to leave him a message! What a great idea!
.....This week two of my upper elementary classes began to color in their "PE People" for use in our "PE Best" bulletin board. In a previous post I wrote about this idea to recognize students for doing their best by hanging up a boy or girl cut-out that is decorated by each student. I was proud of how the students decorated their "person"! They are very cute and at some point in the near future I will post a picture of the project!
Thanks for reading about the "Best Parts of My Week!"
Visit the North Park PE website if you would like more information about the PE program at North Park!