Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Best Parts Of My Week - 4/24/17--4/28/17

Hi everyone,
    It was a non-traditional week in a way because I spent a good part of Monday and Tuesday as part of an interview committee.  That experience, however, provided some of the “best parts!”
…..I was asked to be a part of an interview committee that was charged with interviewing candidates for the PE positions available in our district for next year.  One of these positions is of course due to my upcoming retirement.  It was so refreshing to see young passionate professionals eager to get started on their career as I end mine…..
…..As a fourth grade class arrived to PE this week one student came over to me and said:  ”I’m sad you are retiring…”  I replied:  “I’m sad too…..”, at which point another student said:  “Can you stay for maybe…..15 more years???”  I said that if I did they would all be adults by the time I left and they would have to come back and help me because I’ll be old then!  They giggled and agreed that they would come back!
…..My primary students are working on throwing accuracy using underhand and overhand throws.  I had set up a number of targets for them to aim for.  Some of the targets included balloons filled with helium, geometric shapes attached to the wall, hoops hung up against the wall, beach balls on top of cones, and so on. Some of the targets were more challenging than others and students were allowed to choose their level of challenge as they practiced using “freedom with responsibility”.   A second grader was so excited to tell me:  “I got this on the inside of the small circle!  Another student (a kindergartener) told me:  ”I have a super power!” when he threw a ball accurately to knock a whiffle ball off of a stick in a cone.

…..As students were working on their accuracy they were also practicing stepping with opposition.  One of my second grade students repeatedly stepped with the same side as her dominant hand and I was offering her suggestions and corrections so that she could learn to throw correctly.  Finally, she asked:  ”Why do I have to do it like that?”  It was truly a genuine question asked without disrespect.  She just did not understand why it was important to change what she was doing because she thought she was successful doing it the way she was comfortable.  I explained the concept of force and power and how eventually doing it the right way would pay off as she played different sports and games and then she understood.  I was happy that she asked and realized that I should have recognized the need to explain it further.  I took this opportunity as a chance to reflect on my own teaching and so in another class I asked if students knew why it was important to step with opposition while throwing.  A student responded:  “Your weight shifts and you have more power”.  What a great explanation!
…..I guess I was missed while I was gone for some classes while I was doing interviews because of this comment:  ”Yay!  You’re back!”
…..Fitness Frankie to Go is wrapping up his adventures for the year and only has one or two weekends scheduled with students left.  This week a student who brought him back was so eager to share his adventures with Fitness Frankie that he asked for some time during PE class to do just that. I set aside some time at the end of class and gathered the students together.  He was confident as he stood up in front of his classmates and told us all about his healthy adventure of bike riding and eating salad!  I don’t think I could have done that at his age!
…..”Later in the week students were working on batting and catching.  I wanted students to self toss a bean bag and use a scoop to catch in creative ways.  The word “selfie” came to mind so I decided to use that in my explanation.  When I asked students about the meaning of the word “selfie” most immediately struck a pose with a pretend camera in their hand!  It was so cute and really helped me to make students understand that I wanted them to work by themselves on this task.

…...As I work my way from classroom to classroom during Fitness Fridays, I am having fun being a surprise guest!  This week I arrived at a third grade classroom and they smiled and said YAY! when I explained why I was there.  We did some Go Noodle and afterward I encouraged students to have a great day because their brains were now awake and ready to learn!
…..Second grade classrooms are using a Superhero theme this year and I have been having fun making connections in PE where possible.  I arrived to one class on Friday morning to deliver Fitness Frankie for his last weekend adventure and the classroom teachers shared that it was National Superhero Day!  Who knew?  At that point one of the adults said that she had something to show me.  It was a sheet of exercises for Superhero Action Training!  In their superhero online search they found it and planned to do it for Fitness Friday as they celebrated  National Superhero day!  She asked me if I wanted a copy and of course I said YES!  It made me realize the importance of visiting classrooms when possible because you never know the connections until you visit and are a part of the classroom community.
…..We operate on a six day cycle and whenever it is “A!” Day I like to introduce a new warm-up.  Push-up Hockey was the primary warm up that we began this past “A” Day.  It is a fun game that helps students to work on upper body and core strength while playing a game.  Students attempt to score a goal by sliding a bean bag between their partners “push-up hands”.  After the warm-up a second grader came up to me to say:  “I LOVED that!”
…..After school on Friday I set up the gymnastics equipment so that we can begin our gymnastics unit on Monday.  Our varsity cheerleading team practices at our building during the season and so their carpeted floor is stored at my school.  We use the flooring for our gymnastics unit and we have a great relationship with the coach and team.  The team came over to school and set up the flooring, for which I was truly grateful.  I actually tried to do it myself years ago and it was not a pretty sight!  In about fifteen minutes the floor was set and I had fun chatting with the girls as I thanked them.  My husband came to help me as well and we worked hard for the next hour or so to set up the equipment.  When most of the heavy equipment was set my husband left and I spent some time cleaning and finishing up.  As I was ready to lock up and leave for the weekend I reminisced about past years since this was the last time that I will be setting all of this equipment up.  There are many “lasts” this year and I am conscious of all of them…….

I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!" Visit my website: North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.