It has felt more like Spring than Winter lately......we are hoping for some snow! I hope you enjoy the "Best Parts of My Week"!
.....During a warm-up with a 5th grade class this week, I overheard one of the students say to a friend while jogging "pull-over..." In and of itself, this phrase is not exciting, but since our school is a Healthy Highway school, it was great to hear students using the "traffic lingo" too!
.....As I was walking down the hallway one morning this week I greeted one of my students who said: "I can't wait for PE today!" That made me smile!
.....During another warm-up with one of my classes this week, students were jump roping and a student called me over to show me her performance of the "double-under". This is a difficult move and one that takes a great deal of practice to master. As I was watching her I thought about how far these students have come in their jump rope skills.........I always teach them that practice helps you get better and it is nice to see that hard work pay off!
.....One of my third grade classes were participating in a game this week and one of the activities was jumping jacks. One of the students called me over to show me a new variation on jumping jacks and said: "This is a re-mix!"
.....A new student arrived this week and when the student's class came to PE, one of the other students took the time to introduce me!
.....Near the end of this week we began our gymnastics unit. We are so very fortunate to have a wonderful set-up for gymnastics which includes multiple balance beams, bars, wedge and other mats, vaulting boards and a beautiful carpeted floor for many activities. I am always grateful for the equipment we have and despite the work that it takes to set everything up, I am excited to begin the unit. My students were so excited this week as they saw the gym transformed! Many teachers commented on how gymnastics was the main topic of excitement during the day! The faces on the kindergarten students were especially priceless as they walked into the gym to see all of the equipment set up for the first time!
I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!"
Visit the North Park PE website if you would like more information about the PE program at North Park!