As the school year winds down, the events and activities wind up!!!!!!!
Enjoy the best parts of my week!
.....During Kindergarten Orientation, as I was explaining my PE program to a group of parents touring the building, a parent of a current student and an incoming kindergarten student thanked me for teaching her daughter Yoga! She explained that her daughter came home and told her mother that she learned a new way to react to her little brother when he was bothering her! She learned a "Volcano" pose, which helps students get rid of angry or difficult feelings and was going to use it the next time she got upset. The power of Yoga for children continues to amaze me! That made my day!
.....As I was chatting about our upcoming Field Days with a group of students waiting to be picked up by their teacher, one of the students asked if I organized all of the Field Days for all of the students in our school. It was as if she just realized that someone had to be the one to organize the events and that they just don't happen by themselves. I responded that yes, I organize our Field Days each year. She then replied "Doesn't that take a lot of time?" I of course said yes, but that I love Field Day and it is worth all of the work that goes into it so that students can have fun! I then asked all of these students to show their "Attitude of Gratitude" during Field Day so that everyone can enjoy the activities. It was amazing to me that an elementary student could be aware of and appreciate the amount of work that it takes to create a school-wide event!