This may be the shortest post I have written in quite some time but the impact on my life has been no less important than longer was an amazing week in many ways!
.....I only went to school on Monday this past week. It was a great day as we anticipated the blizzard about to arrive in our area! Students were excited and I was happy to tell them that we may indeed be able to snowshoe this year!
.....On Tuesday the blizzard arrived and it was an impressive storm! School closed for two days straight as we dug out of the 24 + inches that blanketed our town. On a personal note, it was also my son's birthday and while he is an adult, we reminisced about the large number of spring snowstorms that arrived on his birthday. We especially laughed about the year that we got him a bicycle and instead of riding it outside he resorted to riding it in the living room!
.....Wednesday my husband and I left to attend the SHAPE America National Convention in Boston, MA. I was happy that we were able to go since the winter storm had placed doubts in my mind as well as many others. Unless you have attended a national convention it is hard to describe the energy, excitement, enthusiasm, and hope that surround everything that happens during the convention. Everyone from young future professionals to retirees was smiling, participating in activity sessions, learning, and collaborating, which will only improve our practice and move our profession forward. I was fortunate to be able to present two sessions, one on Technology, and one with a group of dynamic and outstanding colleagues and friends from NY. I love sharing and am so grateful to those who attended my sessions as well as those who shared their knowledge with me. I had a wonderful time and even though I am retiring soon, I still learned new activities and am determined to try out a few new ideas before June!
.....Fitness Frankie has some fun in Boston as well! It was fun taking him along and taking advantage of some great photo ops!
.....On Friday night of the conference we celebrated with the annual Hall of Fame dinner. It was a great chance to celebrate this year's Teachers of the Year, the success of the conference, and friends new and old..........I was sad to see the conference end but I am already looking forward to next year!
I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week!" Visit my website: North Park Physical Education to find out more about our Physical Education program.