Hi everyone,
Well, after a two-hour delay (again) on Monday we finally got back on track! I had so much fun this week despite the germs that finally took hold (more on that later…..)!
…..We were finally able to reschedule our second day of Jump Rope for Heart this week and it happened to be on Valentine’s Day! I told our students that it was a perfect day to be able to finish our event and they agreed! We jumped and raised a terrific amount of money for the American Heart Association! In fact, I was able to complete 59 jumps in a row while a fifth grade teacher turned a long rope for me. I got lots of high fives from 5th graders who were waiting their turn to try. The record was over 80!
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Jump Rope For Heart "Buddy Hearts" |
…..On Valentine’s Day I noticed quite a few treats appearing in the office for celebrations that were happening later in the day. Don’t get me wrong, I love a treat just as much as the next person and sometimes students and parents think that I am the Healthy Highway police! I was particularly impressed, however, when one of my second grade classes told me that while they were having a celebration on Valentine’s Day it was going to include healthy treats too!
…..When one of our Jump Rope for Heart days got postponed one of our staff members did not get the message and dressed up ready for the event. She was so disappointed but assured me that she would be ready for the next date. She sure was! She had a heart drawn on her cheek, sneakers, basketball shorts, a red shirt, heart necklace and jumped up a storm! This type of support and excitement is one of the many, many reasons that my school is so special!
…..We had a Fuel Up to Play 60 Student Ambassador Meeting this week and our students are getting ready for our next activity, which will be a Veggie Taste Test Day. We had a great discussion about the kinds of vegetables we should us this year. We are going to shred some vegetables and make a salad sample…..yummy! The time flies by with this group because they are just so wonderful!
…..Our PE Password this week is “Achievement”. I used the opportunity during Jump Rope for Heart to point out how our event is such an achievement for our school. I asked students to turn and talk with a friend for a few seconds about an achievement in their lives. The conversations were lively and then a few students shared their conversations with the group. Students talked about achievements in jumping rope, swimming, basketball, and more! I was so happy that they were willing to share!
…..During our Jump Rope for Heart event a student kept working on a trick and even though I suggested that he take a break and try something else, he wanted to stick with it. He was so excited when he was finally able to do the “360”! That’s perseverance!
…..Early in the week one of my second grade students was talking with a raspy voice and did not look like he was feeling well. When I asked him about it he said: “I feel like I have germs in my throat.” I said: “Me too!” The next day I had the same raspy voice and by the following day I could not talk at all. Students would start talking to me and then say: “wait, what happened to your voice?” I am seldom sick (fortunately) so they were surprised that the germs get to me sometimes too!
…..Fast forward to Friday after a sick day on Thursday and while it was only a half day due to a conference day it was jam-packed! The day started with a Fitness Friday activity for the 100th Day of School with a special guest. I had been telling my colleagues all week that we would be having a special guest and only a few people actually knew who it was going to be. I did not tell the students about it at all because I wanted it to be a complete surprise. Some were intrigued and others guessed about who it might be. Our special guest was…….wait for it……….
RORY the American Heart Association Zoo Crew Lion! (Well, ok, it was a friend of mine dressed up in a Rory suit, but Shhhhhhh…….) Rory showed up to thank everyone for working so hard for Jump Rope for Heart and stayed to exercise with us! Rory and I had SO MUCH FUN! The students and staff (and even a few parents who were there to help with the 100th Day) were beside themselves with laughter and excitement! Students showed Rory their best ROAR which helps spread the message of the importance of making healthy choices and he was impressed! Next, we did 10 different exercises 10 times each so that we completed 100 repetitions! Students kept track of the number until we got to 100! After a big thank you to Rory and everyone at North Park, I sent them on their way back to class.
…..Next, it was time to snowshoe! I had to change quickly, meet my class and get ready to enjoy the winter weather! It was truly a beautiful day and we really enjoyed the experience. Students remarked: “This is a good workout!”; “I’m hot!”; “I’m thirsty! ; “These (snowshoes) would be good for ice fishing!” Fitness Frankie came along too! We are fortunate to have quite a bit of land around our school so we were able to take a nice walk. I continue to feel grateful for the opportunities we have………
…..Students went home early and teachers had a conference day on Friday afternoon. I spent the afternoon with a colleague and we shared ideas and learned new things together. This type of professional development can not be underestimated. I love to learn new things!
…..The “cat is out of the bag” so to speak……. Several students came up to me this week and asked me if I am retiring this year. I was hoping to wait awhile longer before I shared the news with my students but somehow the news got out. Students said things like: “I can’t believe you’re leaving……” and “I don’t want you to leave……” It’s nice that they feel this way…...I wanted to cry……..