Hi everyone,
It was Teacher Appreciation this week and I felt so very much appreciated! Thank you to everyone who made me feel that way! It was a great week!
.....The week began with a breakfast sponsored by our wonderful PTA! There were so many goodies and great breakfast choices including some healthy ones like fruit and yogurt!
.....Fitness Frankie to Go came back on Monday morning after a weekend of healthy choices! He went to our district art show and another student actually commented that she saw him there! His journal is coming together so nicely! I am looking forward to sharing the journal with the entire class when everyone has had a chance to take him home.
.....I received a Teacher Appreciation gift from a student this week. It was a banana with a happy face drawn on it! It was cute AND delicious!
.....As I was saying hi to a student in the hallway early this week he replied with: "I worked out!" I love it when students want to share their healthy choices with me!
.....A student was sharing her birthday excitement with me this week and showed me a present that she received: baseball and baseball bat earrings!
.....During one day of Teacher Appreciation Week students were encouraged to bring a flower in to show their appreciation to their teachers. I received enough flowers to make a beautiful vase full of flowers!
.....As National Physical Education and Sport Week kicked off we participated in Project ACES. It was, as usual, a fun event and we spent some time outside dancing and enjoying some exercise as a school together. This year our Fuel Up to Play 60 Student Ambassadors helped out by being great student leaders!
.....In celebration of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month we are participating in Operation Healthy North Park. This was the first full week and so many Coop Cars came in with great activities! While it is not a competition, some classes have taken on a challenge to bring in more Coop Cars than the other classes. It's always great to see families working together to exercise and students taking on a challenge!
.....One of my students has embraced the PE Password so enthusiastically that he goes out of his way to let me know that he knows the PE Password. This week he popped his head into the gym to tell me the PE Password. I went into the hallway and said in reply: "You know that you make me smile every time you tell me the PE Password?" He smiled in reply!
.....It was quite hot near the end of the week and while we do not want to complain after the long winter we had here in the Northeast, students (and adults) are not used to the heat just yet. As a result, we all had some difficulty adjusting to the increase in temperature. One student commented that she wished that they made ice pack hats! That's actually not a bad idea......
.....Teacher Appreciation Week continued with a delicious luncheon organized by our PTA. It was certainly delicious, but more importantly, we all felt more than appreciated!
......At the end of the week PE classes were held outside and my upper elementary classes were working on learning how to throw a Frisbee. Students were working in partnerships to throw and catch successfully. After a short time I called students back in and said I was going to add something to the activity. One of my fifth grade students said: "I love it when you add to an activity!"
I hope you enjoyed the "Best Parts of My Week" and the updated look of this blog! To find out more about the PE program at North Park, visit my website: North Park Physical Education.