As the year winds down, the special events wind up! It was a terrific week!
.....This week was Teacher Appreciation Week and while our PTA always does a wonderful job making us feel appreciated the whole year through, there were some extra special events this week that made us feel even more appreciated! The week began with breakfast for all and then students and parents brought in small tokens of appreciation during the week based on a particular letter for the day. At the end of the week we were treated to a delicious luncheon, flowers, and raffles! We appreciate all that our PTA does for our staff and our students! THANK YOU!
.....As I was passing a student in the hallway coming back from lunch, she showed me her carrots that she was saving for later. She said: "Carrots! Healthy and Yummy!"
.....Peter, Paul, and George, of Homespun Dance are a wonderful dance group that bring community dancing to many, many schools and communities. This week we were treated to their live music, dancing, and knowledge of dances throughout the world from times past. Our PTA generously funds this event as an enrichment program for our students and each year that we are able to invite them back, they enrich the lives of our students, teachers, and families! Our students were completely engaged and mesmerized from the moment they arrived for their turn to dance! We culminated the week with a Family Dance Night on Friday night and we had our biggest turnout ever! Students and families from all grade levels were represented and we had so much fun dancing that it was hard to stop!
.....As the week drew to a close, many students were making gifts for their moms in preparation for Mother's Day. I was touched by how many students wished me a Happy Mother's Day with a smile and a hug!
Thanks for reading about the "Best Parts of My Week!"
Visit the North Park PE website if you would like more information about the PE program at North Park!