I am not sure how it can get any more exciting here at North Park! I hope you enjoy the "Best Parts of My Week"!
.....Fitness Frankie spent the week in a primary classroom. The students were so excited! While waiting for the bus after school on Monday they told me that they had given him a hug and were very happy to be taking care of him!
.....While doing a warm-up with a rope on the floor, I asked students to make a heart, rather than a circle with the ropes as we had done before. I asked the students why they thought I wanted them to make a heart. They enthusiastically responded: "Because Jump Rope for Heart is this week"!
.....We held our sixth annual Jump Rope for Heart this week. It was a terrific event that lasted all day! Each group arrived excited and ready to jump! Many of the "Best Parts of My Week" came during this event!
.....watching the "sea" of red and pink shirts jumping in the gymnasium!
.....being given a pink silly band by a student as he arrived at JRFH!
.....enjoying the looks on the faces of students as they heard their heartbeats while using a stethoscope!
.....enjoying the smiles of adults while they jumped with students!
.....being humbled as I opened an donation envelope with coins that obviously came from a personal piggy bank and definitely from the "heart".
.....being overwhelmed by the generosity of our community as they embraced and supported our Jump Rope for Heart!
.....At the end of this week I had some visitors from another district. These visitors were fellow PE teachers whose district had a conference day and they had the opportunity to visit another school. I was flattered and honored that they chose North Park! When I introduced these visitors as special guests, I was able to show our students that adults are always learning too! It was a treat to be able to share some lessons and share our school!
I hope you enjoyed reading about "The Best Parts of My Week"!
Visit the North Park PE website to learn more about our program!
E-mail me with comments or questions at: northparkpe@yahoo.com
E-mail me with comments or questions at: northparkpe@yahoo.com