Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Best Parts of My Week....

My favorite moments of this week.........

.........a student quote: "It's only paper plates and a mat, but who knew it could be so much fun!".....talking about our figure skating Winter Olympic activity station.

........a student quote: "I was awesome today! I think I won the Gold Medal!"......talking upon leaving PE and self-assessing using the question: Did you do your best in PE today?

........A definition of student success: I encouraged a kindergarten student who was at the "Curling" station by saying: "Almost!" when he slid a bean bag toward the target and the bean bag slid in and out of the target box. He looked at me and said: "What do you mean almost? It went in the box!" My definition of success at the station was that the bean bag would slide in and stay in the target.....his was that as long as the bean bag went in, he was successful!

........Smiling as I watched my students enjoy our Winter Olympic Activity Stations. Check out the activities at my website:
North Park Physical Education. Click on Winter Olympics Activities!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Best Parts of My Week!

When you live in the Northeast, you learn to be flexible.....snow days, delays, and early releases are a given; and this week we experienced two out of three! Still, there were some great parts of the week!

......watching students rise to the challenge as they were allowed "Freedom With Responsibility" during the end of our gymnastics unit.

......experiencing the excitement of our Jump Rope For Heart Kick-off Assembly. Students and staff are ready to make a difference as we get ready to jump on March 2nd!

.....feeling the pride of our "torch bearers" as we began a Torch Relay warm-up to kick off the Winter Olympics!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Best Parts of My Week......

Some snippets of this past week......each one made my day!

.......learning as two students taught us how to "share count" in Korean!

.......listening to a kindergarten student recounting a gymnastic experience at a community program saying "that was back when I was a kid..."

.......watching as a first grade student patiently taught a classmate how to tie his shoes after PE class on more than one occasion.

......viewing a "Sea of Red" on Friday as students and adults alike supported "Go Red for Women Day", sponsored by the American Heart Association.