Saturday, March 28, 2009
Student/Teacher Jump Show
Yesterday we held our annual Student/Teacher Jump Show. This show is a celebration of everyone's hard work for our Jump Rope for Heart event which was held in February to raise money for the American Heart Association and to educate students as to the need for exercise and healthy living for heart health. During this Jump Show event, students and teachers alike perform various jump rope tricks for the rest of the school. This year, I asked a few students from each grade level to show the jump rope skills that they had practiced and mastered. The crowd went wild! Students from kindergarten through grade 5 jumped up a storm! At the end of the show, teachers took the stage. For quite some time we had been practicing our skills as well. Many of our teachers jumped together in a single long turning rope. We had four adults jumping in one rope at one time! Additionally, we were determined to master the double dutch jumping. With practice and determination, we did! Several of our teachers, including our principal, jumped the double dutch! Other teachers performed Chinese Jump Rope Tricks, and our school famous "Rope in Rope" trick. Our students showed their appreciation of our performance with cheers and applause! For me, this show tied together the need for community service, perseverance, determination, and school spirit. I was amazed that not one student - not even the kindergarten students - hesitated to come up in front of the entire school and jump. All of our students cheered and applauded for everyone! That, in and of itself, shows me, and I hope others, what a supportive environment our school has created. I could not have been more proud of our students, our faculty, and our school community. This was an occasion to step back and take stock of the wonderful opportunity we have as teachers to touch lives, create change, and make a difference.